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Search results

  1. solitaire524

    Private/Closed Pokehuman encounters reboot

    "Oh, um, Robin. Clarke. And I'm fine," Robin assured hurriedly, holding a hand to her head and gingerly feeling around the base of her scythe... thing. Skin blended seamlessly into what she assumed was some sort of chitin. Her headache wasn't fading, but she could at least think straight, so...
  2. solitaire524

    Private/Closed Pokehuman encounters reboot

    Magnemite slowly whirred to life (or, well, consciousness), blinking their eye open and slowly rising into the air once again. They stared at the newcomer cautiously, confused by the strange blend of human and Pokémon, then quickly turned their focus back to their trainer when memories came...
  3. solitaire524

    Private/Closed Pokehuman encounters reboot

    (Aah, this is why I should never sleep in. Looks like I didn't miss too much, though, thank goodness.) Robin had ventured into the Glittering Cave in hopes of finding some interesting or rare metals and minerals to play around with, but unfortunately it seemed that the cave was only...
  4. solitaire524

    Private/Closed Pokehuman Encounters Reboot - Discussion

    Wasn't sure whether or not to try joining this, but it looks fun and the RP hasn't started yet, so why not? Name: Robin Clarke Age: 19 Gender: Female Pokéhuman Species: Absol Appearance (Human): Robin comes in at 5'4", although she does often wear platforms that add a couple inches to her...
  5. solitaire524

    Open Caught in his Claws

    Kyvle is accepted! And you can make as many characters as you can keep track of. :)
  6. solitaire524

    Ask to Join From A Egg

    Name: Ocean Age: Egg Species: Pichu (Blue-eyed) Gender: Female Bio: Was lost by parents/was bred/was raised by parents Parents: Umbre/Sapphire (If protected...) Name: Umbre Age: Parent Species: Umbreon Gender: Male Bio: Was disowned by his own parents as an Eevee. He ran away and met Sapphire...
  7. solitaire524

    Ask to Join Fairy Tail RP

    Rea watched Draxon with mild amusement as he babbled on, taking the time to free her hair from her cloak. She followed after him silently, focusing her thoughts on what might have happened to this city. Was anybody hurt? That was her main concern. In her eyes, if people were hurt, she had...
  8. solitaire524

    Ask to Join Fairy Tail RP

    Thing is, everyone's split up now. Plus, I'm waiting for Draxon to reply to Rea @CosmicDreams
  9. solitaire524

    Ask to Join Fairy Tail RP

    I'd honestly rather stay out of this... can't we just get back to roleplaying?
  10. solitaire524

    Open Pokemon Civil War

    Serena had been ducking between a few buildings in Pallet Town when something exploded nearby. Suddenly panicking, she turned and grabbed Hana by her bandana, taking off towards the nearest Route. She wasn't even close before she saw the wreckage, however. An entire helicopter, smashed to bits...
  11. solitaire524

    Open Pokemon Civil War Sign Ups

    Name: Hana Species: Eevee Gender: Female Age: 7 Appearance: A regular Eevee, although much smaller than average. A ragged pink bandana covers the cream fluff around her neck. Personality: Hana is quite optimistic and joyful, seeing the best of her pretty awful situation. She'll always be...
  12. solitaire524

    Ask to Join Fairy Tail RP

    Hana sighed but didn't object, taking her hand away from her sword and trailing after her Guildmate. I still can't help but wonder what happened here. Did the bandits rise up? Maybe the city people got sick of them and moved away. But a whole city, just because of one group of bandits? Something...
  13. solitaire524

    Ask to Join Fairy Tail RP

    The person sighs. "You talk a lot. But if it'll make you trust me more, I can take down my hood and walk around beside you. Just know that, by doing so, I will raise my guard and consider even the slightest move against me as a threat to my safety." Long story short, they didn't want to take...
  14. solitaire524

    Ask to Join Fairy Tail RP

    Hana nodded to her Guildmate and turned back to Karsi. "He can handle this. We should go get the others and figure out what happened here. They're back this way." She let go of her sword and started walking back the way she'd come, wondering vaguely just who that person was on the roof. The...
  15. solitaire524

    Ask to Join Fairy Tail RP

    Hana frowned and followed Karsi's gaze. She quickly moved one hand to the hilt of her sword, narrowing her eyes slightly. "Usually, hooded people hiding on top of buildings aren't nice people." She tightened her grip on the sword but didn't pull it out yet, instead wondering whether this...
  16. solitaire524

    Ask to Join Fairy Tail RP

    @Satokuye @CosmicDreams The cloaked figure watched with amusement as a third Guild member joined the other two. She couldn't help but notice how this 'Draxon' was taller than 'Hana', and the newcomer was at least two feet taller. Was this kid even old enough to be a member? Hana felt herself...
  17. solitaire524

    Ask to Join Fairy Tail RP

    Up on the roof of one of the buildings, a cloaked figure stood, watching the ground below with cautious curiosity. Their gaze settled on the blue mark on the arm of a passing person. "Fairy Tail, huh?" Hana stopped suddenly, feeling it jolt through her ankles, as something touched her shoulder...
  18. solitaire524

    Ask to Join Fairy Tail RP

    Hana was about to give up when her oddly sensitive ears picked up something nearby. She turned in a slow circle, narrowing her eyes and listening closely. She could hear footsteps. Maybe the city wasn't abandoned after all! She shoved her sword through her belt and turned to her companions. "I...