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  1. A Salty Eevee

    Open A Strange Place ( Creepypasta RP )

    Crow chuckled slightly while saying, "That's fair enough kid. Join the club." Then, he looked out the window to see the same teens that he had seen before. Crow sighed irritatingly and said, "Welp, I'll try to give those kids a good scare. If they don't leave, then I'll kill them myself."...
  2. A Salty Eevee

    Open A Strange Place ( Creepypasta RP )

    Crow locks up the door and nods while saying, "Yeah, there were a couple of teens ruining my time alone, and I ran out of my drink." Saying this, Crow headed to the kitchen and into the fridge to grab a bottle of rum so he could refill his flask. As he fills up his flask, Crow asks Lizzy, "I...
  3. A Salty Eevee

    Open A Strange Place ( Creepypasta RP )

    Crow got up and put his flask in his coat pocket, then continued to wander the forest. As the breeze was blown, Crow stopped to feel the fresh air and smell the forest. Then, he looked over and saw a couple young teens running through the forest laughing and having fun. Then, Crow thought to...
  4. A Salty Eevee

    Open Pokemon High (Romance Roleplay)

    Dusk, looking all around, started clapping slowly. Then, he stopped clapping and said, "That was excellent indeed! I could definitely learn from the both of you. For now, I shall take my rest as well." (See ya guys later)
  5. A Salty Eevee

    Open A Strange Place ( Creepypasta RP )

    Crow had wandered around the forest for quite awhile now, singing songs in a drunken state and slurring his words. Then, finishing the last of his rum, Crow muttered under his breath, "Son of a... Ah, forget it." Then he had slumped against a tree and looked up at the sky, thinking to himself...
  6. A Salty Eevee

    Open A Strange Place ( Creepypasta RP )

    Grabbing his flask, Crow got up and took another drink from it. Closing the lid, Crow looked at BEN and said, "Why don't we let the big brother put her to bed? You seem like somethings on your mind so you could use that time to think. In that time, I'm gonna go out for a while. I'm not sure how...
  7. A Salty Eevee

    Open Pokemon High (Romance Roleplay)

    Dusk crossed his arms and thought, 'Perhaps this would be a good opportunity to figure out more strategies for myself.' Then, Dusk looked over at Zak and said, "Perhaps I could learn from you. Besides, we are all friends now, so it would be a good chance to learn more moves for myself."
  8. A Salty Eevee

    Open Pokemon High (Romance Roleplay)

    Dusk chuckled and said, "It is quite simple to make clones of yourself. But, Double Team isn't really my cup of tea, but it would be wise to use Double Team to your advantage and when you need it most." With that, Dusk had gone to one of the dummies that wasn't completely damage and started...
  9. A Salty Eevee

    Open Pokemon High (Romance Roleplay)

    Caught off guard, Dusk turned around to see Sabin saying, "D-Double Team? A-Ah yes! Double Team, all you need to do is concentrate on, say, making clones of yourself. Double Team allows you to make clones of your self and raise your evasiveness, letting you dodge more attacks." Dusk had stepped...
  10. A Salty Eevee

    Open A Strange Place ( Creepypasta RP )

    Crow smiled and said, "Even if you do look like a princess, I do have to say you would be a good sibling for others." Crow raised his teacup to BEN and took another drink out of the teacup while taking a real drink out of his flask. Then, he realized Lizzy tapping her teacup. Crow looked at her...
  11. A Salty Eevee

    Open Pokemon High (Romance Roleplay)

    Dusk had set up some candles and used Will-o-Wisp to light the candles a dark blue color, lighting up the room a blueish color. Then, he had sat up and meditated for a good minute before realizing, "That Sythn wanted to have a battle with me, but that can be after I meditate and clear my mind."...
  12. A Salty Eevee

    Open Pokemon High (Romance Roleplay)

    With a sigh of Relief, Dusk had closed the books and set them back in their place. Then, Dusk had left the library wondering about what he should do now. Looking behind him, he saw that Shadow was still there, but wasn't sure about what he was doing. So, Dusk had left the library and returned to...
  13. A Salty Eevee

    Open A Strange Place ( Creepypasta RP )

    Crow chuckled and looked at Lizzy saying, "I've been made fun of before, and not in the best ways. Besides, it's hard to hurt BEN since he doesn't have feelings." Crow had taken the cup of tea and taken a drink, and sneakily took a drink of his rum. Setting them both down, with the flask hidden...
  14. A Salty Eevee

    Open Pokemon High (Romance Roleplay)

    Dusk looked back over at Sabin and said, "Well, there's always the gym, where we were at earlier. I'm fairly certain there are more areas to train, but that's the main area that I usually use to train my skills." With that, Dusk had closed the book and handed the paper to Sabin saying, "Remember...
  15. A Salty Eevee

    Open A Strange Place ( Creepypasta RP )

    Crow looked over at Sally and, shaking his head while sighing, responded with, "I suppose I can't reject a little girl's offer for tea, but I don't wanna end up playing dress up like Mrs. Drowned over here." Crow had sat down with the group and joined in drinking the imaginary beverage with them.
  16. A Salty Eevee

    Open Pokemon High (Romance Roleplay)

    Hearing the new voice challenge him to a battle, Dusk had looked up at Syhtn and said, "Perhaps when the time is convenient, then I shall accept the challenge, but for now, I have more pressing matters to deal with." Then, Dusk had continued to write down the information that Sabin needed to...
  17. A Salty Eevee

    Open A Strange Place ( Creepypasta RP )

    Name: Crow Age: 19 Gender: Male Abilities: Can create clones of himself with wisps to trick his enemies and prey Appearance: Medium spiked black hair and red eyes, 5'11" and weighs 167 lbs. He's always wearing a black and white trench coat with a hood over his head and also wears a red t-shirt...
  18. A Salty Eevee

    Open Pokemon High (Romance Roleplay)

    "Dragon Claw is an interesting move, but we don't see very many dragon type Pokemon around here." Dusk says while continuing to write down the rest of what moves Lucarios can have, adding in Aura Sphere and Aura Beam as well as Flash Cannon to the list. It seemed like hours had passed, but it...
  19. A Salty Eevee

    Open Pokemon High (Romance Roleplay)

    Dusk, putting his hand on Sabin's shoulder, says, "Then let me guide you to the library and I can make a quick list for you, but you'll need to remember the moves you have on your own afterwards. By the way, the move you used on the wall was called Brick Break." Dusk then leads Sabin to the...
  20. A Salty Eevee

    Open Pokemon High (Romance Roleplay)

    Dusk nods and says, "Beep is indeed right. We need to take a break from fighting for a bit and rest up," Then, looking at Sabin, Dusk continues, "And, for you, I can make a quick list of what moves you should at least know from your parents. We can do this at the library, looking through certain...