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Search results

  1. Rizzo

    New World

    At Zenith's command, Rizzo hastily slammed his fist into the green button as soon as the soldier had caught onto Zenith's arm; there was a brilliant flash of light, and before they knew it, they'd both be standing, woozily, as tended to be the effect of the teleporter, in the grounds of the...
  2. Rizzo

    New World

    Shaking off the dizziness from falling off Zenith's shoulder after he'd skidded to a halt, Rizzo crawled back up to his vantage point (once Zenith had dealt with the treant, which he observed with growing admiration for the guy) and took his advice, clinging on more tightly than before (which...
  3. Rizzo

    New World

    Most huge castles loom in a foreboding or imposing sort of way, but this one seemed to loom, for Rizzo, as a beacon of hope; his teleporter could only get him so far. He'd had a close-call with that trent-like creature earlier, and the secure bosom of the castle looked incredibly welcoming; in...
  4. Rizzo

    New World

    A puzzled Rizzo looked at Zenith incredulously: "So we just leave them there? They could've used my teleporter! And anyway, where are we going now? Up to the castle? What d'you mean it needs time? How're you gonna help that?" To add to his irritating barrage of questions, Zenith's burst of...
  5. Rizzo

    New World

    Rizzo nodded at Zenith: "Sure, I'm coming. You don't seem to remember me, for whatever reason, but you're the only person I know, so I'm sticking with you!" He looked at the device in his hand and agreed with Zenith that it might indeed be very useful: "Alright, Zenith, we need to get those...
  6. Rizzo

    New World

    Rizzo stammered at Zenith: "W-Well, what do we do now?! Are we still going South?" He looked to the fox worriedly, feeling utterly dependent on him. He was glad that he hadn't been on the receiving end of the ice gorilla's fists, but what about those guards? Should they not be helping them...
  7. Rizzo

    New World

    Fleeing; Fleeing was always an option; it had won (probably) very many wars in the long run, live to fight another day and so on and so forth. Rizzo looked down at his feet; the claws were now very firmly dug into Zenith's shoulder, and his legs were shaking. He wondered if he'd even be able to...
  8. Rizzo

    New World

    Rizzo didn't bother taking heed of Zenith's obvious disapproval of his seating choice, and, both as the ground shook with the explosion and as he headed off south, he just dug his claws further into his shoulder to keep his footing. Bewildered, Rizzo began the "explaining" that he apparently...
  9. Rizzo

    New World

    Rizzo had kept himself uncomfortably squeezed into the back of the dumpster until the intense skirmish outside ceased. He wanted it to be over more because he wanted to be out of the stinking pit he was hiding in, rather than out of fear. He'd been in more than enough stinking pits for one day...
  10. Rizzo

    New World

    Rizzo, as per his custom, let out another terrified squeak. His voice was feeling a little hoarse from all the squeaking he was doing today. As the dagger-handed beast charged at him, he hid in the only place he could, with a feeling of great de ja vu.. The dumpster. That smell was back. It...
  11. Rizzo

    New World

    Rizzo let out a terrified squeak and backtracked through the vents; as luck would have it, he found one leading to the outside. He leapt out of the vent into yet another alley; the third time he'd found himself in one so far today. Whatever the case, he'd rather he were there than back in that...
  12. Rizzo

    New World

    As the harsh crash erupted from the pantry, Rizzo let out an animalistic squeak and scurried under his beer-keg safe haven immediately. As the voice in his head called him all manner of profane synonyms for "whimp", an idea hit him. He jumped back onto the bar and ordered the red weasel to stay...
  13. Rizzo

    New World

    Rizzo nodded quickly at the red weasel: "Uhuh! I..I'm fine." As he studied his features, he thought he might have seen him somewhere before too.. But in this universe, he could never be too sure. When he heard that the bats were a vampire, his ears twitched.... It all made sense now; he...
  14. Rizzo

    New World

    Rizzo was slightly unnerved by the creatures that suddenly flitted into the bar. A myriad of paranoid thoughts entered his brain linking these creatures to the disappearance of all the previous customers. What if these things had swooped in before and made them disappear? He slowly peeked his...
  15. Rizzo

    New World

    ...At least that's what he hoped would've been the case. As he entered the ominously empty room, a glib expression came onto his face and his ears drooped. He stood there dejectedly for a few moments until the creaking, groaning sounds came to his attention; his ears immediately pricked up and...
  16. Rizzo

    New World

    Not seeing what else he could do, Rizzo reluctantly and wordlessly left the warmth of the bar to go back into the street, the bartender seeming occupied with his customers. What the Hell was he supposed to do now? Sighing, he found himself another backalley to sit in, making sure that nobody...
  17. Rizzo

    New World

    Rizzo shook his head and turned out his pockets; just white fabric, no money. It hit him then that he didn't have any means of buying food or drink, and it deepened his growing worry all the more. He tilted his head at the bartender: "Dodgy goings on, hmm..?" Rizzo scratched at the back of his...
  18. Rizzo

    New World

    Rizzo paused to think about his answer to the bartender's question for a moment. "Sure..." he said. "Up North." He pondered for a couple of moments more, wondering how to word his next question: "But coming from.. Up North, I have no idea how I managed to get all the way uhm, down here.. I woke...
  19. Rizzo

    New World

    Rizzo looked up at Flynt apprehensively as he spoke; he didn't doubt him. Ironically, it would be him who'd have to watch his back now. Jeez, that certainly backfired. As the fedora-wearing man and gray weasel left, the cold air gradually settled and was replaced with a sort of tension. Rizzo...
  20. Rizzo

    New World

    Rizzo twitched nervously: "Take me back with you? Aheh, that won't be necessary. Just putting it out there! They wouldn't be too happy if you kidnapped me, either! Nono! They'd be incredibly -un-happy in fact, so..So that's like, a bad idea." he said in a shaky tone, waving a finger at them...