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  1. RhythmThief


    (Mods have mercy!) Hey y'all! I hope you've been enjoying [WON] so far. It's already been over half a year since we started! I've loved writing it, and seeing the way you all interact with it, from Koru's S-tier Discord commentary to Gold always, and I mean always being the first to react to...
  2. RhythmThief


    Chapter 47 - Junko Shirogetsu Hollow Night “Arthur!” I beat my fist against the half-closed metal shutters, the gap at the bottom now blocked by debris from the explosion on the other side. I screamed as loud as I could for him to find cover as soon as I realized what was happening, and I was...
  3. RhythmThief


    Tsuneo Furusawa Wednesday, October 18th, 23:49 I’m not sure why I’m even bothering. I learned long ago that alcohol never mended a broken heart – only made you too numb to feel its pain. You’re gone. Just like that, the one thing I had left in this world, that I could lay claim to and call...
  4. RhythmThief


    Chapter 46 - Mizuko Shirogetsu Hollow Night With the back entrance to the shopping complex firmly shut, I gave Liu my full attention. He was sat still, and the black mass underneath him that had been supporting his weight twitched with agony. The last I’d heard of him, he’d gotten into a...
  5. RhythmThief


    Chapter 45 - Kinoko Rusuban Hollow Night Things were going even better than expected. Not only had I been spared of Mizuko, Junko, and that insolent mutt, but it seemed our entourage’s ‘alliance’ had been torn apart by Furusawa’s unfortunate (but appreciated) departure. As such, Kozuki was...
  6. RhythmThief


    Chapter 44 - Arthur Cunningham Hollow Night I stood at the brink of another confrontation. Another moment where my actions could decide whether someone’s son, daughter, sister, or brother would see another sunrise. The image of Edvard Munch's tortured figure in The Scream flashed in my mind...
  7. RhythmThief

    Ask to Join Karma High Reboot: Superpower High School Roleplay (Main Thread)

    "Fiiive...more...minutes..." Orion Cross wasn't a morning person. He always found it baffling how some people could rise at the crack of dawn and go about their daily activities as if they'd only taken a short recess—a trait he'd apparently inherited from his father. "That's why he named you...
  8. RhythmThief


    Chapter 43 - Ryota Nakamura Hollow Night Too much was happening too damn quickly. You’re telling me I got whizzed away to some fantasy world where we have powers and missions and monsters? None of it was making any damn sense, no matter how you sliced it. The only reason I was even going...
  9. RhythmThief

    Ask to Join Karma High Reboot: Superpower High School Roleplay (Main Thread)

    It worked. It freaking worked. The girl, who had introduced herself to Orion, Miles, and Isolde as Kimiko Takahashi, fell for it hook, line, and sinker! Now, there was just one piece of the puzzle left. "Excellent!" Orion cheered, clapping his hands together like a game show host. "Now, what...
  10. RhythmThief


    Chapter 42 - Daisuke Kurogane Hollow Night I let my mind wander as my body glided, ducked, and weaved through the silent nighttime streets, Juno’s voice ringing loudly through the alleyways and avenues. I didn’t know what they were talking about, and I didn’t care. My mind was on other...
  11. RhythmThief


    Chapter 41 - Junko Shirogetsu Hollow Night By the time I noticed my difficulty in breathing, it felt like the world had flipped on its axis. “Careful!” someone warned. A firm but gentle pressure settled on my upper back. “J-Just breathe, okay?” I tried to heed the advice, but only panicked...
  12. RhythmThief


    Chapter 40 - Mizuko Shirogetsu Hollow Night “Was that necessary?” Ignoring Cunningham’s protest, I stabbed my naginata into the ground, eyes fixed on Eiji and the game’s newest addition disappearing down the road toward the Scramble Crossing. Their potential routes were already mapped out in...
  13. RhythmThief


    Chapter 39 - Eiji Hoshino Hollow Night When your day is finished, ours is just beginning. You can try and prepare yourself as much as you like, but you’ll never quite be ready for it. The feeling of spilling away into another place as you leave your body, your senses, everything you’ve ever...
  14. RhythmThief

    Ask to Join Karma High (REBOOT)- Romantic Superpower High School RP (Open to new characters!)

    Good point! My intent was for either Isolde @Inkage or Orion to come clean just after the game is over. I think Isolde is the most likely to explain what her power is etc. to Kim, and also explain that that she meant no harm coming to the table; it was all Orion's mischief Then they can...
  15. RhythmThief

    Ask to Join Karma High Reboot: Superpower High School Roleplay (Main Thread)

    Isolde, ladies and gentlemen Orion waited for Isolde to introduce herself to the table. A quick little, "Hey, my family's named after a cereal grain, my mother's a model, and I can peek into the deepest, darkest depths of your soul! What tax bracket are you in?" would’ve been perfect. That'd...
  16. RhythmThief

    Ask to Join Karma High Reboot: Superpower High School Roleplay (Main Thread)

    Elsewhere... "Five dollars says 'alf the place is in flames." "Make it five hundred and maybe I'll consider it." A tall woman with huge, snowy wings and a curious-looking puppet promenaded along the vibrant halls of the academy, the click and clack of the former's heels echoing throughout the...
  17. RhythmThief

    Ask to Join Karma High Reboot: Superpower High School Roleplay (Main Thread)

    The Best Policy Come on come on come on! The boy pleaded inwardly with gritted teeth. With each glitch of the now unstable portal, he felt the weight of his own limitations crashing down on him like a ton of bricks. ...Even after all this time, this is still all I can manage?! How the heck am...
  18. RhythmThief


    Chapter 38 - Daiki Suzuki Wednesday, October 18th "Stress of midterms?" Ayumi's question lingered in the air, but it didn't take long for me to dismiss it. "Top students," I reminded her. "Eiji's always top three, and the student council guys are no slouches either. Liu's... well, he's a...
  19. RhythmThief

    [WHISPERS OF THE NIGHT] folks, apologies for the wait! I've had a wild few weeks to say the...

    [WHISPERS OF THE NIGHT] folks, apologies for the wait! I've had a wild few weeks to say the least! Regardless, enjoy the new chapter. Took my time with this one and made it extra long for ya!
  20. RhythmThief


    Chapter 37 - Ryota Nakamura Wednesday, October 18th "Screw you," I shot back without hesitation. "In a showdown, Godzilla would wipe the floor with Ultraman any day. He could fight the whole damn Space Garrison and still come out on top!" His glare was intense, promising a battle of wills. I...