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Search results

  1. Kyoo-Pid

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    The kecleon stopped and turned to Jetta. "Moves?" He squinted then gasped with a sudden realisation. "Oh yeah! I'm a Kecleon aren't I?" He rubbed his scaly hands together then looked towards Jack, frowning. "But.. But I wanna see what I can do." He crossed his arms sulkily. Turning towards a...
  2. Kyoo-Pid

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    Adam turned to everyone and held his scaly arms open, "Folks, maybe it's time to leave the forest? I dunno about yous but I don't fancy being Sceptile food!" With that he starts marching a random direction. "I bet this way will lead somewhere!"
  3. Kyoo-Pid

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    Watched as the battle played out in front of him and blinked, it all happening so fast. The kecleon had no idea what was going on and yet, he enjoyed being blissfully unaware to an extent. For all he knew, this was a gift. After all, pokemon had powers no human could ever possess! After the...
  4. Kyoo-Pid

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    Adam looked over to Jake, gobsmacked at the evolution, "Um... Yeah sure nanab berries sound pretty good right now!" Nodding back to the Electrike, he grinned widely, "Arya eh? Nice meeting ya!" He pondered for a moment, "I think we were all human... I have no idea what's going on but anyone...
  5. Kyoo-Pid

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    Adam glanced towards the eevee and blinked. More and more people are arriving, he thought. Looking back to the Electrike, he nodded his head and grinned widely, "See? We can all get along! We're all the same boat here there's no need for violence!" Sitting on the ground, the kecleon sighs, "Is...
  6. Kyoo-Pid

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    Adam stood and turned towards the Electrike and squinted, "More huh? What the heck is happening?" Looking down to his hands, feet and turning to look at his tail, the Kecleon admired his new body and grinned, wondering what oran berries tasted like to a kecleon. Looking up, he gestured towards...
  7. Kyoo-Pid

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    Adam looked to the Litleo then the Lycanrock and squinted, "Yeah... Yeah I was human but I don't really remember who I was... Just my name" He then chuckled, "Course I ain't gonna hurt you, I just thought you were like... Wild." He coughed, "Is that rude to say?" Looking around he scratched his...
  8. Kyoo-Pid

    Open Pokemon: The Infinite Forest.

    Name: Adam Gender: Male Personality: Gentle, lazy and always hungry! Generally clueless all around but not stupid by any means. Species: Kecleon Appearance: Just a simple ol' Kecleon with a green body, yellow frills and a reddish band around his torso Code: Pizza RP: Adam woke up abruptly and...