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Search results

  1. Metrogear2117

    Open Johto Journeys

    Then they were at Azalea town and their pokemon were a bit beat from the pokemon training plus a rival battle that Hadix won. "Wow that battle was great. we should check out the places in Azalea right Vineko?.... Where is vineko anyway." Sushia said in awe then a girl comes over and says "The...
  2. Metrogear2117

    Open Johto Journeys

    Hadix came to the ruins of alph and she saw the team rocket grunt. "Hey give that litten back! its my rival's pokemon, not yours!" Hadix yelled at the team rocket grunt "Well if you want it you gotta defeat me but beware I have a pokemon that is better than yours, Go rattata!" the Rattata landed...
  3. Metrogear2117

    Open Johto Journeys

    Walking down the route, Hadix and her team come across Sushia near the pokecenter. "Huh Hadix you really wanna battle? well lets go to union cave then but sadly a team rocket grunt stole my Poor Canyan! and he ran torwards the Ruins of Alph. you should go and get my litten back." Hadix thought...
  4. Metrogear2117

    Open Johto Journeys

    "Here we are. welcome to violet city. the gym's a flying type. so it could be best if you could go train and maybe catch a wild pokemon? I dunno here's some potions." Said Sushia smileing at Hadix's cyndaquil. "Also there's the sprout tower if you wanna train more between your cyndaquil and...
  5. Metrogear2117

    Open Johto Journeys

    Hadix was walking around with her cute pokemon caramel in the route to her hometown Cherrygrove to tell dad what's gonna happen to her. and when she opened the door dad was relaxing on a chair and said "Well darling I guess you are ready to go on a adventure.... Wait what? your starter's a fire...
  6. Metrogear2117

    Open Johto Journeys

    Well im playing the virtual console version of silver so ok why not. Name: Hadix Gender: Female Appearance: Wears a red t shirt underneath the gray hoodie and she also wears jeans and boots also has blonde hair. Age: 14 Town/City of origin: Snowpoint city Pokémon: None yet Backstory: Hadix's...