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  1. M

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land

    rip idk what's happening i don't have access to computers over weekends ):
  2. M

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    "Speaking of catching pokemon.." Clemence whispered to Clement. "I caught something yesterdy.. but my mom can't find out. She'd freak out." She said, showing a pokeball to Clement under the table. "It's a Pikachu." She said, before returning to her banana.
  3. M

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    Clemence was waiting next to the bathroom until Clement got out. Once he left and went downstairs, Clemence walked in an did her daily routine. She then walked downstairs... (i dont know what else to put) "Yawn... Good morning, mom.. Morning stranger in our house.." she lazily sighed. "Wait- WHO...
  4. M

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    Clemence was walking around, waiting for a pokemon to pop out at her... Hopefully I get something cute... she thinks in her head. She then hears something... it sounds like a... distress call?... She follows the sound and finds a... Beedrill! It's doing something.. she peeks her head up from out...
  5. M

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land

    or baby pokemon like pichu
  6. M

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land

    I wonder if there are scythers in viridian forest lol
  7. M

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land

    i cant make a post if i dont know if you can only get kantonian pokemon here ;o
  8. M

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    (are kanto pokemon the only pokemon available here?) Clemence woke up suddenly, in the middle of the night. She was having a dream she was the champion of Kanto! "I know what to do." She sighed, grabbing Muddy's pokeball and sneaking out of the house. She ran to the PokeMart, almost tripping on...
  9. M

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    Clemence, startled, jumped up at the sound of the door being closed and opened. "Muddy, return." She whispered, as her Dwebble returned back into its pokeball. She grabbed the butter knife she kept under her bed and started inspecting her surroundings. Nothing looks like it's been stolen.. I'll...
  10. M

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    (poor kid.) Clemence was still having trouble sleeping. She glanced over to Muddy, and noticed it was sleeping like a baby. I'm very thirsty.. I don't want to get up and wake everyone up though. If I fall asleep, I'll just wake up in the morning and it'll feel like no time passed... But I can't...
  11. M

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    After Clement finally got out of the bathroom, Clemence took a shower. After the shower, (no details please) she got dressed in her pajamas and went into her room. "Muddy, I can't help but think that Clement is just gonna steal our stuff and leave.." She sighed, putting Muddy into her tiny bed...
  12. M

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    Clemence opened the door and let Clement in. "Hey, mom!! I met someone today. He's from Kalos, too! Can he stay in the guest room? He doesn't have anywhere to go to. Pleeeaaaase!?" She begged, and Muddy started climbing down Clemence and started playing with Clement's shoes. "I don't see why...
  13. M

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    (you should've, clement.) "Oh! I could ask my mom if you could use the guest bedroom!" Clemence excitedly proclaimed. "Come with me to my house." She said, exiting the pokemon center and walking to her house, which was South West of the pokemon center.
  14. M

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    "Shalour City was alright. My mother says it's beautiful, but all I really did was stay cooped up at home. That's where my dad bred Dwebble though, so it's kind of like Muddy's home." Clemence said. "Although, my dad was never really home. He loved Route 12. He battled so many people, and his...
  15. M

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    "My father's name is Foster Delmar. I came from Shalour City.. I wish I could go back." Clemence sighed, missing Shalour City. "Oh- um, I think this is our 3rd year in Kanto?.. I don't really keep track. But, it's kinda good here. I have no clue why my mom decided to come here.. Anyways, I've...
  16. M

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    "Oh!" Clemence gasped. "You're from Kalos too? Must be why I was so willing to talk to you." She sighed. "I thought I was socializing..." "My dad hatched this Dwebble. You might've heard of him- he's pretty famous." "Aw, Hello, Richter!" (all of this is periodically said through clement's text-)...
  17. M

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    * the girl Clemence started poking Muddy, playing with it, when she noticed an odd duo enter the Pokemon Center. She picked up Muddy and walked over to them "A Kadabra! Wow, I've never seen those before. Wh-what's your name?" She asked. "I'm Clemence, and this is Muddy. Say hi, Muddy!" She said.
  18. M

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land RP

    "Mom, I'm going outside!" Clemence yelled. She opened the door and took a few steps outside and breathed in the air of Viridian City. "C'mon, Muddy. Where do you wanna go today?" Clemence asked her Dwebble, who she always kept on her shoulder. "Dwebb..!" Muddy pointed at the Pokemon Center...
  19. M

    Private/Closed Pokemon: A Journey Across the Land

    Name: Clemence Age: 14 Gender: Female Personality: Afraid of most things, flinches at everything, Not very confident Nationality: French (Kalos?) Physical Appearance: Blond, short hair, freckles, and brown eyes, medium in height, medium in weight Clothing: A yellow t-shirt with white stripes...