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  1. Quiver

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP

    Deep in Route 1 Karl was awaken by his Bulbasaur tugging on him. "What...?", he opened his eyes." Wait, where am I!?" He realized his sleeping bag was covered in silk. Suddenly, an Ariados came from above. "Gah!" He looked to his left, where a Combee was in the web, too. It seemed he was stuck...
  2. Quiver

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP

    Karl was about to say something, but he was cut off. He followed them around, though was jealous about Eevee evolving into many forms. He healed his Pokemon, and went back to their 'group'. "You never asked my name...", he grumbled. He "lost" every battle he won! How could that be acceptable...
  3. Quiver

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP

    "Nidoran, dodge it!", he commanded. However, the Pokemon was unable to fulfill it's task, and fainted. Karl didn't seem to have any reconciliation, and he just looked disappointed. He put it back into it's PokeBall, and pointed at the Eevee. Following it's command, his Bulbasaur jumped off his...
  4. Quiver

    Did you know that the OFFICIAL Lego Separator is banned in England because it is considered a...

    Did you know that the OFFICIAL Lego Separator is banned in England because it is considered a weapon?
  5. Quiver

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP

    "Nido?", it said, confused," Nidoran!" Then, the Eevee lunged at it, activating it's ability, Poison Point. The horn it used in Poison Sting activated when it was hit with a physical move, poisoning the aggressor. Karl realized the battle was currently in his favour. "Quick, use Peck!", he...
  6. Quiver

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP

    "What is it doing?", Karl was confused. His Nidoran looked at his trainers, worried. "Don't worry... I know we haven't formed a bond, yet, but trust me!", he comforted it. The Nidoran looked back and it was unaffected. "See? Now, use Poison Sting!", he ordered. The Poison Sting was already up...
  7. Quiver

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP

    Karl had a confident look on his face, going on the battlefield. "Go! Nidoran!", he threw the PokeBall out, and it opened up, showcasing the new Pokemon. He checked the PokeDex. "Nidoran Male, the Poison Pin Pokemon. Stiffens its ears to sense danger. The larger its horns, the more powerful its...
  8. Quiver

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP

    Karl walked back to Pallet Town, happy about his victory. He heard Allie's response. "As long as you don't mind battling two Pokemon!", he said, showcasing his NidoranM in it's PokeBall. He heard that Eevee could evolve into multiple forms, so he should be wary about her in the future.
  9. Quiver

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP

    Karl was confused about Archer's strategy, but then quickly realized it. "Bulbasaur, watch out!", he cried. It was too late... The Bulbasaur rammed it's head into the opposing Pokemon's shell. The Grass-Poison Pokemon was knocked unconscious, ultimately making it faint. "Eh...", he was stunned,"...
  10. Quiver

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP

    "Dodge it and use Tackle!", he exclaimed. The Bulbasaur traversed around the incoming attack, then started to charge at the Squirtle. Karl smirked as, so far, the battle was in his favour. Before attempting to Tackle, the Bulbasaur lifted itself on it's vines and threw itself on the Squirtle...
  11. Quiver

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP

    Once they headed out to the nearest battlegrounds, Karl got his battle face on. "Bulbasaur, go!", he shouted. Accordingly, the Pokemon hopped off of his head, growling at the Squirtle. He held out his PokeDex. "Let's see...", he pointed it at Bulbasaur. "Bulbasaur, the Seed Pokemon, a strange...
  12. Quiver

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP

    Karl nodded at the Professor's comment, turning to the other trainers who redeemed the PokeDex. "So... are we going to travel in a group? Maybe battle? Catch a Pokemon?", he asked the two trainers, one with Squirtle, and the other with Eevee. He shook his head, blurring them out of his mind...
  13. Quiver

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP

    Karl had a smirk on his face. "Luckily", he stated," I was planning on picking Bulbasaur." He walked over to the table where the PokeBalls were (I'm assuming that the lab is like the one in Lets Go). He carefully held the PokeBall in his hand, passionate about getting the Pokemon. He threw it up...
  14. Quiver

    Wow, you guys have been more supportive than I thought! I have one question: What is General...

    Wow, you guys have been more supportive than I thought! I have one question: What is General RolePlay?
  15. Quiver

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    Okay, I edited her. The TM will be Shadow Ball.
  16. Quiver

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    Hallo, fellow newcomer. This RP looks super interesting, so I'm going to make a character(s)... Hopefully they aren't totally garbage. Name: Karl Hessinger Gender: Male Age: 12 Starter Pokémon: Bulbasaur Appearance: Karl has dark brown hair with light blue eyes. He wears a grey v-neck shirt...
  17. Quiver

    New Member Introductions

    Hallo. I'm Quiver, I guess. I mostly picked the username because I thought of Volcarona's Quiver Dance... I think I should talk more about myself. I was born in St. John's, NF&L, but my family moved to Rostock, Mecklenburg- Vorpommern. I know some German, though I was home schooled, so I don't...
  18. Quiver

    Hi! I am excited to be on this website. I don't really know what to put here...

    Hi! I am excited to be on this website. I don't really know what to put here...