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  1. Loxe

    Open The Box™: Discussion

    I want jasmine to date someone idk why but i dont know who she might try to.
  2. Loxe

    Open The Box™: Roleplay

    Jasmine smiled at the Mightyena. "My names Jasmine." She exclaimed. She had seen a Mightyena before infact she fell in love with her trainers boy one and they dated for a bit. Jasmine started to have tears, she missed her old trainer.
  3. Loxe

    Open The Box™: Roleplay

    Jasmine also layes down onto the vibrant grass intrested in the scorbunny. "Im sorry i just have never seen a pokèmon like you before." She apoligized. She stood up and walked towards the scorbunny and rubbed her head against him in a friendly way. She then proceeded to go sit back down. "I...
  4. Loxe

    Open The Box™: Roleplay

    Jasmine starting sniffing Scorbunny. She had never seen a pokèmon like him before. "My names Jasmine, Who are you?" She asked. She just stared at him awkwardly and fascinated. She started feeling sad and started to miss her trainer.
  5. Loxe

    Open The Box™: Roleplay

    Jasmine was playing around in her pokèball having fun until... Her trainer had placed her into The Box. Jasmine was scared , she had never been in the box before. Suddenly a voice spoke "Welcome to Box A." The voice said. Jasmine then recieved a hyperspace transporter. She was confused and...
  6. Loxe

    Open The Box™: Discussion

    This is going to be a fun roleplay i can feel it.
  7. Loxe

    Open The Box™: Discussion

    Nevermind just read the thing. I cant wait to start the rp
  8. Loxe

    Open The Box™: Discussion

    Is the box basicly the lab of the professer / the garden?
  9. Loxe

    Open The Box™: Discussion

    Alright then when will this roleplay start?
  10. Loxe

    Open The Box™: Discussion

    Name: Jasmine Gender: Female Species: Eevee Personality: Calm , Friendly will always help people who are down and sad. Appearance: She looks like a regular eevee just with a pink collar with Jas on it. Other: N/A
  11. Loxe

    Open The Box™: Discussion

    Wait where is the character sheet again is it in the introduction post?
  12. Loxe

    Open The Box™: Discussion

    I would like to join! Can i ?
  13. Loxe

    Ask to Join The path to become a Pokemon master

    Lee still just stood there, He was using sign launguage to tell them all we should continue our journey now and head for the first gym. Umbreon agreed with a "Umbreon!' . Meanwhile just entering the city, Josh was exstatic and ready to catch a Pokèmon. He was training up Rocky in a small area...
  14. Loxe

    Ask to Join The path to become a Pokemon master

    Lee just stayed silent, His mask was on so nobody knew he was almost the Champion of Unova. He put all of his strong pokemon away such as Charizard and Lucario and only kept Umbreon on his team. Umbreon walked by him and he turned to Phoenix reminding him that Lee does not talk to strangers...
  15. Loxe

    Open Pokèmon Death And Life (Discussion)

    Oh okay we will just have to wait
  16. Loxe

    Open Pokèmon Death And Life (Discussion)

    Anyone else able to join?
  17. Loxe

    Ask to Join The path to become a Pokemon master

    Meanwhile, a young boy named Josh was on his way from Kanto to start his journey. He had an egg that was given to him by his father in alola. The egg started to crack while on the plane and Josh was getting really excited. "What type of Pokémon will this be?" He thought. He just couldn't wait to...
  18. Loxe

    Open Following the path to become a Pokemon master

    Oh im waiting till jim replys
  19. Loxe

    Open Following the path to become a Pokemon master

    I think we are at the perfect time for you to do that and meanwhile i can introduce my second character
  20. Loxe

    Open Pokèmon Death And Life (Discussion)

    Accepted! If you know anyone who might be interested in joining please let them know.