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  1. Snorlax Couch

    Ask to Join Pokémon: Sinnoh GTS (Discussion).

    Ayo this roleplay seems really cool, I was thinking of joining if that's okay. Name: Alfonso Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: Alfonso mostly appears laid back and "chill". He usually speaks really slowly, although when speaking about his true interests and passions, such as his talent for...
  2. Snorlax Couch

    Ooooh that's good

    Ooooh that's good
  3. Snorlax Couch

    I'll consider them all, thanks!

    I'll consider them all, thanks!
  4. Snorlax Couch

    What should i name my Totodile in Pokémon HeartGold? Whoever answers this gets to sit on Snorlax...

    What should i name my Totodile in Pokémon HeartGold? Whoever answers this gets to sit on Snorlax Couch.
  5. Snorlax Couch

    Ask to Join Pokemon Travels Discussion!

    It's updated now! Thanks.
  6. Snorlax Couch

    Ask to Join Pokemon Travels Discussion!

    Your response sounds great too! I'll get right to making changes.
  7. Snorlax Couch

    Ask to Join Pokemon Travels Discussion!

    If so, here's my Bio. Full Name: Anzo Grant, although is usually called by his nickname "Ancho". Birth date: January 22 Age: 18 Occupation: Due to his father being a Professor, Anzo feels obliged to follow in his footsteps and works as his father's assistant, but he really wants to be a chef...
  8. Snorlax Couch


  9. Snorlax Couch

    Open Pokemon Camp

    Ancho frowned, people didn't seem excited at all. He sighed, before letting a smile stretch across his face. I don't care what anybody thinks!, he thought. As long as I have a good time, I'm good. I still have my trusty Munchlax! Looking down on the Pokéball in his hand, Ancho gripped it...
  10. Snorlax Couch

    @Gamingfan Thanks!

    @Gamingfan Thanks!
  11. Snorlax Couch

    @Red Gallade Sorry, the only one who rests on me IS me. I am my own personal place.

    @Red Gallade Sorry, the only one who rests on me IS me. I am my own personal place.
  12. Snorlax Couch

    Thanks dude.

    Thanks dude.
  13. Snorlax Couch

    Open Pokemon Camp

    Name: Ancho Gender: Male Personality: A doofus, but a kind soul deep down. He always tries to stay optimistic and happy, and loves to cook. Age: 16 Appearence: Chubby with freckles, green eyes and brown curly hair. Wears an orange hoodie Pokemon: A Munchlax named 'Taro'. Ancho looked around in...
  14. Snorlax Couch

    C O U C H

    C O U C H