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Search results

  1. F

    DPPt/HGSS BTK's Trade Topic

    I'll trade you a level 77 Tyranitar(Male) and level 10 Spiritomb(Female) holding leftovers for a Nidoking and shiny Charizard.
  2. F

    NARUTO! (Spoilers alert! You've been warned)

    Wow, It's nice to find some people that aren't obsessed with sasuke. I get flamed a lot for hating him >_>. My favorite character is definitely Naruto..
  3. F

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    Latios and Latias, because of there looks and I watched the movie pokemon heros at least ten times and once in the theaters.
  4. F

    The best of the best.....

    Beauty- Milotic, I guess. Toughness- Tyranitar. Intelligence- Latios and latias, Not very many pokemon can turn invisible. :) Coolness- Latios, not sure why.. Cuteness- Latias. Weirdness- Deoxys, in it's normal form, it has that weird monkey hand. :o
  5. F

    DPPt/HGSS Eggs I Can Trade You Guys!!

    Well, I have every pokemon on your wanted list..and Piplup is the only starter I don't have. So, I'll give you a Eevee egg for Piplup. My freind code is..2577-9738-2726 My name in game is Xavier.
  6. F

    DS just for pokemon?

    Just like Puppy I got my DS for Christmas last year. I just wanted it for Starfox Command.
  7. F

    DPPt/HGSS Latias and latios moveset?

    Anyone know a good moveset for latios and latias? My Latios knows- Luster Purge Dragon Pulse Ice Beam Recover My Latias knows- Mist ball Psychic Dragon Pulse Recover There both at level 100.
  8. F

    Shinies: First ever, ones you want, have seen, or own

    I have a shiny palkia and I did have a shiny lugia. They were both in pearl. I would really like to have a shiny latios and latias.
  9. F

    DPPt/HGSS Free Rare-Ish Pokemon!

    Wow, your giving Spiritomb and Phione for free? I'll take those if it's not to much trouble.
  10. F

    DPPt/HGSS Rate my team?

    Articuno- NeverMeltIce Careful Nature Mind Reader Blizzard Sheer Cold Ice beam Heatran- Miracle Seed Brave Nature Fire Blast Magma Storm Solar Beam Flash Cannon Ludicolo- Leftovers Serious Nature Toxic Protect Leech seed Attract Palkia- Lustiorius Orb Hardy Nature Avalanche Hyper Beam...