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Search results

  1. ShiningDragonite

    Quashie's Spritey-Sprite Shop! (Read First Post, Please~!)

    Thanks Quashie, It looks amazing! ^.^ I love the ripped wing.
  2. ShiningDragonite

    Rain's Making Sprites?! ~Heck yes.

    I love the Espeon/Dragonair/Swellow flying Eveelution, it flows together really well. My Least favorite is the Luxaray/Ekans/Dragonite, no offense but it doesnt flow really well together. Keep up the great work though. ^_^
  3. ShiningDragonite

    Quashie's Spritey-Sprite Shop! (Read First Post, Please~!)

    Re: Quashie's Spritey-Sprites~ (Taking Requests again!) Thats okay ^__^ Take as long as you need.
  4. ShiningDragonite

    The Crtl+V Game 2!

    http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news1099/pokemon.html Sending this article to a friend ^_^
  5. ShiningDragonite

    Black or White?

    Black. I love the Legendary and the city seems pretty awesome :D
  6. ShiningDragonite

    The Best Black & White Starter?

    Tsutaaja FTW! I hope he evolves into a Dragon-type ^_^
  7. ShiningDragonite

    Quashie's Spritey-Sprite Shop! (Read First Post, Please~!)

    Re: Quashie's Spritey-Sprites~ (Taking Requests again!) Quashie, I love your sprites ^__^ Could you make me a Zombie Flygon with red eyes please? :D