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Search results

  1. H

    Explain Your Trainer Card

    lol,id like a coordinaetor card. But my bcard wont show up and I cant make a new one!
  2. H

    DPPt/HGSS ill trade a Combee,Dustox,Chingling,Heracross,or biddof for a fire type.

    Oh,please do!Ill trade you an ursaring or ninetails for a Chimchar,then,Ill have all sinnoh starters! How about today at 9:00 am or at 10:00pm MDT? My new friend code isnt that 117 one, its the new one under my avatar.Thanks!(sorry for my bad grammer,I just moved into America from Japan,so...)
  3. H

    DPPt/HGSS Grand Battle

    anyone want to battle with my really strong Piplup,Gallade,Torchic,Roselia, and more? Ill be on at Friday,Saturday, and Sunday at 1:00pm to 8:00pm MDT. I beg you! I want to see how tough I am to beat a rivals Torterra.
  4. H

    DPPt/HGSS Pokemon Contest entries,please join me!

    thats too,bad,I love contests but thats bad. :'( and my new code is under
  5. H

    DPPt/HGSS Pokemon Contest entries,please join me!

    Awwww, thats not fair! But what do you mean by direct communication?
  6. H

    DPPt/HGSS Pokemon Contest entries,please join me!

    I'm starting a Pokemon Contest! If you want to join me just post in your friendcode and name, Ill post in mine. Please join by November 12, 2007. Please choose one contest.(first persom to post here beside me chooses). The contest is at November 17, 2007 at hours 4:00 pm,or 5:00 pm or 6:00pm...
  7. H

    DPPt/HGSS My trades,want some pkm?

    Im sorry,it is not.But I think I have a Vespiqueen.
  8. H

    DPPt/HGSS My trades,want some pkm?

    Ill trade a these Combee Chandey Mime Jr Prinplup Alakazam These pokemon ill trade you.All those and later some more once I find some. Trade times: Today at 4:00 pm MDT-4:30 pm MDT Next week,same date,same time my new code is 0430 5877 5397
  9. H

    Crazy Japanese Traders

    Maybe because you had the English game so if you get Fushigidane and it evolves then its named in English.So if you get a hitokage it will evolve to the name Charmeleon
  10. H

    DPPt/HGSS Andys Trades! EVERY item, Legendarys, and some shiny's up for trade!

    oh,darn!yes,it would be a miracle if it did.but,those are all the legendary types i have.
  11. H

    DPPt/HGSS Andys Trades! EVERY item, Legendarys, and some shiny's up for trade!

    Andy,i maight be willing to trade you a Celebi or Ho-oh once i fing my game "gold"and i pass the pokemon. is it a deal?
  12. H

    DPPt/HGSS Wi-fi Battles!

    I can battle .But when?
  13. H

    DPPt/HGSS All Sinnoh Starters

    the only rare one i have is Combee.
  14. H

    DPPt/HGSS Andys Trades! EVERY item, Legendarys, and some shiny's up for trade!

    ill trade you a combee,dustox,Heracross,Meditite, or chingling for A Chimchar(if you like)Ponyta(maybe)or torchic(if you have it)or Togepi(if you have it)
  15. H

    In which generation did you get into Pokemon?

    its okay,me too, i trade rare for cute.And yes, my first was Gold