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  1. A

    My pics

    ^ 'tis tres pretty :) I like the style. And the hair rocks :D
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    Hogwarts of the Future

    OOC: Sorry ;D BIC: Ari swallowed the last of her pumpkin juice and swung around, meeting Ed's gaze. Outside. At midnight. On All Hallows' Eve. She considered the possible implications - not that there were many - and made her decision. "I'd be honoured," she replied evenly - and felt a sudden...
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    Hogwarts of the Future

    OOC: *I ... must not ... think ... of ... Equus - dammit!* :-[ BIC: Merlin's beard. David slowly raised his hand and rested it gently on Crystal's head, his widened eyes never leaving hers. How...? "CREEK!" Professor Lupin's voice thundered down the corridor; he strode angrily up to David and...
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    Hogwarts of the Future

    OOC: Chi, I'm autoing Vik for a bit, hope you don't mind :) BIC: "Almost there," Lara murmured as the gaps between the trees widened and the castle faded into sight. She was half sprawled on the horse's back, and had almost slipped off at least twice - but she didn't want to hurt it by gripping...
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    Of Reality's Fabric - a Doctor Who fanfic

    A/N: The last chapter then. Thanks for reading, guys :D As ever, all but the plot belongs to the BBC. Epilogue - 2012 Another summer, another sunny day, and another atmosphere thick with excitement — for very different reasons to five years ago, Sarah Jane thought to herself as she strolled...
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    Of Reality's Fabric - a Doctor Who fanfic

    Chapter 11 — Home I've got a much bigger adventure ahead! Time I stopped waiting for you and found a life of my own. Sarah Jane Smith, School Reunion Sarah Jane poured a cup of tea in the kitchen with her right hand — the other had suffered burns from the wiring, before getting trapped in the...
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    Of Reality's Fabric - a Doctor Who fanfic

    A/N: Next update won't be for a long time due to exams and the like. Enjoy for now :) Chapter 10 — Release Whether it's a world, or a relationship... everything has its time. And everything ends. Sarah Jane Smith, School Reunion To his utter, impossible relief, the Doctor felt a hand clamp...
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    Of Reality's Fabric - a Doctor Who fanfic

    Chapter 9 — Torn Stitches of Wounds New and Old "NO!" Rage flooded the Doctor's head; he lunged forward, about to press his fingers to Sarah Jane's forehead and force Anleyta out — but she raised her hand and he was thrown back against the console in a flash of silver light. Seething, he glared...
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    Of Reality's Fabric - a Doctor Who fanfic

    Chapter 8 — Illyrya Sarah Jane recovered her breath first. "Who are you?" It seemed to her that Corina's appearance altered slightly, her body giving off a more mature air; and when she spoke, it was with a strange, lilting tone, in which Sarah Jane could make out hints of a sophisticated...
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    Your current music

    Having just gotten over my obsession with the Scissor Sisters album, I now have the Doctor Who soundtrack on repeat on the iPod, laptop, CD player... Ooh, and the potato song. *sings in Rachel's ear*
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    Your Haul 2006

    Um... Happy second-last-day-of-the-year? :) My Xmas haul: - Doctor Who Series 2 *squee* - QI Series 1 *squee* - Pride & Prejudice soundtrack, and the piano music with it *squee* - pretty silver watch - Doctor Who: The Nightmare of Black Island *squee* - a couple of really nice t-shirts, a skirt...
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    Of Reality's Fabric - a Doctor Who fanfic

    Chapter 7 — Unfolded There is no meaning to life except the meaning man gives to his life by the unfolding of his powers. Erich Fromm The screaming stopped. Sarah Jane couldn't remember how it started, but she was glad it was gone, and the ache fading away as she crawled back into...
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    Of Reality's Fabric - a Doctor Who fanfic

    Chapter 6 — Reasoning for Meaning Something doesn't make sense. One of your assumptions has to be wrong, because if something doesn't make sense then it can't be real. But what if the faulty assumption is that it's real? ... This is not real, therefore it's meaningless. I want meaning. Dr...
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    Of Reality's Fabric - a Doctor Who fanfic

    *chucks it over* Danky :) Chapter 5 — Listening Over Time Reason tells me you cannot be real. Oh, you never want to listen to reason. Reinette and the Doctor, The Girl in the Fireplace Having got his head around the fact that the woman in front of him wasn't just a figment of his imagination...
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    Of Reality's Fabric - a Doctor Who fanfic

    Chapter 4 — SS Madame de Pompadour The spaceship had created a clearing for itself: no trees grew less than three feet away from the rusty sides, and the Doctor and Sarah Jane walked around it with ease. It was, surprisingly, completely intact: the Doctor had no idea how it could have remained...
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    Of Reality's Fabric - a Doctor Who fanfic

    Danky ;D I'm not entirely sure when the S2 references end (obviously there'll be quite a few from GitF soon), but I had a lot to get out of my system after Doomsday, so expect more to come :D Glad that it's not predictable. :) As far as I know, Arthur is still in 18th century France. I do...
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    Of Reality's Fabric - a Doctor Who fanfic

    Aww thank you :) *teleports chocolate chip cookies over* And there must be faults somewhere... :-\ Chapter 3 — Deserted Anachronisms Sarah Jane woke to the sounds of muffled tinkering, and a pleasant hum from the walls. The previous night, she'd only just made it to the bed before collapsing...
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    Of Reality's Fabric - a Doctor Who fanfic

    Chapter 2 — Tea in the TARDIS Sarah Jane followed the Doctor through the TARDIS, allowing herself a muffled laugh as he urged her to take a seat while he flitted around the kitchen preparing tea and biscuits. When he proceeded to pour her a cup with an apprehensive grin, she knew they were both...
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    Of Reality's Fabric - a Doctor Who fanfic

    Ooh, thanks for that :D *edits* Lol - don't you dare turn my fic into a short story :o
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    Of Reality's Fabric - a Doctor Who fanfic

    Lol! So, got any tips for improving then? :P Thank you anyway. It goes downhill from now, so I'm sure you'll be able to find more things to shout at me about ;D Chapter 1 — A Breach and a Basement He didn't know how long he stood there, straining to hear her voice on the other side of the...