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Search results

  1. D

    Why is the Pokemon anime getting unpopular?

    I dont know why pokemon is getting unpopular. Maybe in this day and age, people are more used to graphic violence, and somehow little critters zappin each other to exhaustion doesnt quite satisfy the older group. Younger children, who are usually thought of less by thier elders know no such...
  2. D

    Your current music

    love music. Period. I'll be listening to Aaron Carter one day, then HIM the next. It really doesnt matter. ;D
  3. D

    Top 10 Lists

    Top ten reasons why Aruseus is the awsomest pokemon ever: 10: Only One 9: Pretty colors 8: legendary 7: DANG powerful! 6: ... ... ... uh... Cool name! 5: Its in Diamond and Pearl. Nuff said. 4: It can learn every TM + HM known to pokemon *WOOT* 3: It has an awsome item known as a plate 2: It...