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  1. O

    The Insane Asylum (Updated 12-29-08)

    The red guy seems to have quite an obsession with Blue -_-;; But it's quite funny, I wonder what Celeste will do to him for that...
  2. O

    Orangen's old and new sprites

    ^_^ Thanks! Oh, and! I can do back sprites now! This is Lynnie, one of the OCs I put in the first post.
  3. O

    Orangen's old and new sprites

    Heh, thanks, Jeydis! ...You're right on the horns, I may fix that later. Maybe... Anyway, decided to do Zadia's request despite the ban, as I needed something to work on. Still open to requests btw.
  4. O

    Orangen's old and new sprites

    ...Well, um, I'm not sure if it matters now that Zadia's banned. But I might end up making that just for fun if I feel like it... Anyway nothing new at the moment, so feel free to request so I have something to do.
  5. O

    Orangen's old and new sprites

    Do you mean, that background and with those Pok
  6. O

    Orangen's old and new sprites

    Well, I'm glad you like these more, at least! Anyway. Made a fusion of Manectric, Luxray, and Jolteon just now; And I found some sprites of Greevil, Ardos, and Eldes from XD that I made a while ago; I think I like Ardos's sprite th best of the three. I also have XD's Lovrina, and...
  7. O

    Orangen's old and new sprites

    Actually I'm glad you commented on it, I like requests to look accurate. I fiddled with it a bit and came up with... Tried to shape the thing on the sheild like the thing on Gard's chest. The helmet definitely looks better now.
  8. O

    Orangen's old and new sprites

    Okay, there you go. The green looks a bit better on this one. Anyway, don't have much other stuff to post, but I can still do requests. I might work on some new Pok
  9. O

    Orangen's old and new sprites

    Actually, Yoshimitsu, I think I said once not to quote sprites, but apparently that didn't work... T~T Thanks for saying that though. And yeah, I got the green off the soldier. Oh, sorry about that Gardevoir Master, but you didn't specify.
  10. O

    Orangen's old and new sprites

    GM mug (simple version): I kinda fudged the colors a bit since I didn't know what you'd want, but since Gardevoir is green and white... *shrug* Anyway, I tried a couple of times to get the Gardevoir-style-eye-thingies on, but couldn't figure out how to make it work right... Eh. It looks okay...
  11. O

    Orangen's old and new sprites

    Your Avvie? Okay, I'll try. Current request: FE Gardevoir Master mug
  12. O

    Orangen's old and new sprites

    Bumpdate with requests done: Did both genders because I wasn't sure which one you'd want, but I like how they both turned out. ^_^;; Turned out pretty nicely I think. Still open to requests btw, and here's some new stuff. (Rui from Colosseum and Tucker from Emerald.) o_o;; And I...
  13. O

    Orangen's old and new sprites

    Okay, current requests: Luxray Cosplayer Flame Haji's FE mug / sprite I'll get on them ASAP.
  14. O

    Orangen's old and new sprites

    No, I have some others too...
  15. O

    Orangen's old and new sprites

    Seperate post for some of my Fire Emblem sprites.
  16. O

    Orangen's old and new sprites

    You might be right, but when I tried to shorten it, it looked kinda funny to me. Oh, something new: A 3rd gen sprite of a fanfic character of mine in a TM uniform. Why? Because she "borrowed" it.
  17. O

    Orangen's old and new sprites

    Thanks, SweetSmoochum! Don't have an update, but... I will take requests if people ask nice enough, since I have a bit of free time at the moment.
  18. O

    Orangen's old and new sprites

    I might double-check later though just to make sure it's right... It's ok though. Anyway I dug up a few anime-based sprites. Richie, Casey, and Tracey. Also, here are a couple of examples using my templates.
  19. O

    The Insane Asylum (Updated 12-29-08)

    D= OMG Graveler country! ...I lol'd. XD
  20. O

    Orangen's old and new sprites

    That's based on his Col. outfit and I wasn't looking at a reference pic at the time, but i thought I got it pretty close...