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  1. K

    Why didn't they ever make an evolution to Jynx?

    i know why! cause no one likes jinx lol
  2. K

    DPPt/HGSS Hacked in wifi? @.@

    i was looking for a VT pikachu but it looked like a darkrai. i never got it cause the offer was for a shaymin which i dont have
  3. K

    DPPt/HGSS Hacked in wifi? @.@

    i got a pikachu that had a darkrai sprite
  4. K

    DPPt/HGSS Kadelylath's NEW trading topic

    not any more but thanks!
  5. K

    DPPt/HGSS Kadelylath's NEW trading topic

    now that darkrai is comming out i will only trade for one if im getting a good deal
  6. K

    DPPt/HGSS Kadelylath's NEW trading topic

    im acutally getting one but ill let yoyu know if it doesnt come through
  7. K

    DPPt/HGSS Kadelylath's NEW trading topic

    i ahve both those pokemon
  8. K

    DPPt/HGSS Kadelylath's NEW trading topic

    sure sounds fair to me
  9. K

    DPPt/HGSS Kadelylath's NEW trading topic

    fire stone and barboach?
  10. K

    DPPt/HGSS Kadelylath's NEW trading topic

    if afraid they wont be that easy to obtain from me my friend. anything on the wanted list
  11. K

    DPPt/HGSS Kadelylath's NEW trading topic

    sry none of these are lvl 100 i now have my WEP code so let the trades flow in people
  12. K

    DPPt/HGSS Kadelylath's NEW trading topic

    my wifi has failed me again and idk the WEP code for my router so i cant connect. if any one know how to find it let me know but untill then no trades will be accepted... SORRY!
  13. K

    Shinies: First ever, ones you want, have seen, or own

    i agree i cant catch or see any either
  14. K

    DPPt/HGSS Trading most pokemon and shinies and looking for a battle

    do you have the dogs (beasts), ho oh, lugia, or Kyogre
  15. K

    DPPt/HGSS Kadelylath's NEW trading topic

    pokemon for trade tentacruel pachirisu weepinbell nidoking weezing fearow abra lucario aerodactyle unown E and F gastrodon golduck donphan wigglytuff nidoqueen goldbat bonsly stantler clefable floatzel quagsire pelipper pinsir gyarados beautifly raichu absol swellow illumise purugly gengar...