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Search results

  1. D

    Pokemon Wall of Shame

    i really dont know.......i believe mine would have to be the replasment of misty in the anime, and the fact that ash wont make pikachu evolve i mean god he must be at like level 100 by now....god his thunder shock should have become a thunder wave by now...j/k
  2. D

    In which generation did you get into Pokemon?

    i would have to say kanto....but i didnt get into the games, until the tcg came out, and i was hooked! literally tradeing away at school....i miss those days....well ive grown out of the tcg now , its gotten to difficult, but i still play the games and curently i am playing emerald. i sitll...
  3. D

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    ;D mine would have to be,Metagross, because of his look and, the fact that he is one of the smartest pokemon due to his four brains, and the fact that he can fly. close behind him would be Registeel, becauase its body is Stronger than anyother metal on earth! Also, the look as well, becuase he...