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  1. Z

    Some Ideas [READ THIS YOU ADMINS!]

    Hi, i thought it woud be usefull that when a member makes a post or topic it woud be redirected to the post/topic he made instead to be redirected to the main page as it usually does...
  2. Z

    Reia's {Pokemon} Sprites ~BEWARE OF RANDOMNESS!~

    Red's PokéPet Batori the level 23 Cherrim!
  3. Z

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    ...........what? my favorite pokemons: fire and gras pokemons, also water... and darknes..... the only i dislike its rock, steel and some lightning...
  4. Z

    Background Transparency on Sprites Tutorial

    I have: Photoshop, Freehand, Flash and some others image editing programs... i guess i coud make some of them, and if i cant ill brek the game file and edit it in PS..