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  1. S


    it's fine lol and i'll try and put it into another text lol this is a splice of ekans and weedle meaning the sprites are stuck togeather this is a "fuse" meaning totally new pokemon sprite is created from scratch but keeping the idea of ekens and weedle fused (sorry for the last sprite i...
  2. S


    Hows that? ::) and i hve another idea but it's quite complicated and i want your quys take on it before i start ok so we know about splicing wer you take bits of sprites and stick them togeather right? but what about this i "fuse" pokemon togeather to make a totly new sprite nothing glued...
  3. S


    i present to you a request from arceus lord.. *drum roll* Pachirisu evo ;D yaaaay and the soul glutton has swollowed is growlth and im sorry GM i cant do machops :-[ :'(
  4. S


    it's a voltorb ;D my 1st starter im unsure of a name yet :-X lol and much thanks to shiny eevee for all the feed back. p.s. I DO take requests people :D
  5. S


    And also *drum roll* Banette Evo Glutton {.s guess what pokemons soul he's swollowed
  6. S


    I guys sorry i havent posted in a while i just been busy with work and school and stuff but i have throw togeather another pokemon. SLUDJ! Muk evo ;D
  7. S


    Hummmm....... electrizer :D
  8. S


    *Hint, hint* ;D Here you gooooo :D
  9. S


    Just a very quick sprite i threw togeather Joltassile electrode Evo
  10. S


    ok so i'll put them togeather with dex entrys Boomhale / When 2 or more of these pokemon group together it is called a fleet. BoomHale---lvl.34--->WarHale Warhale / Vicious battles are waged out in the open seas between fleets of these huge pokemon, using their powerful water cannons.
  11. S


    WOW! thanks alot guys ;D im gonna try a provo for warhale and i'll keep you all posted when it's done :P Update: here it is the prevolution of warhale BoomHale water/Steel
  12. S


    Thanks for all replys :D i really like bellrung too but now introducing xD Warhale Water/Steel type
  13. S


    Update: and here it is Im not to keen on it myself but meh: Quizzit I like the ball though but thats about it :-\
  14. S


    Wow thanks guys ;D and yeah i was kinda stuck on the names so i just put down the first things that came to mind lol I'll try to do more
  15. S


    Ok so i made 2 new pokemon not crypto pokes but my 2 first ever scratched ones so here goes :) Bellrung Evolves from chimecho Jack-o-flash
  16. S


    Presenting: a request from SnapDragon: golBATBOY! sorry if it's not that good , i tired :)
  17. S


    can i have a decription of batboy pleaseeeee? And now introducing: Pokécabra The town of Solaceon lives in fear of this creature, it is said that it comes from a cave to the east and feeds on the blood of the pokémon in the day care.
  18. S


    wow thanks! i like the canalave monster ;D
  19. S


    OK so i got the idea from the front page of the website were it says "cryptomon" So i've made some some cryptomon :D Vassie This ledgendary beast is Reported to be seen in lake Valor, Pokésquatch This ape like pokemon is rarly seen in eterna forest, it is said to be the missing link...
  20. S

    Fakemon and fusions

    Storkit Normal/ flying dex info: It is said that this pokemon delivers pokemon eggs. Magetry Grass/electric Dex info: This mutant pokemon is often seen around power plants. Rumor says it was created By humans. Steeleon Steel Dex info: When this pokemon is threatend it send out a...