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Search results

  1. I

    DPPt/HGSS Free Rare-Ish Pokemon!

    Alright thanks a lot.
  2. I

    DPPt/HGSS Free Rare-Ish Pokemon!

    Wow really thanks a lot. Is there anything you wanted?
  3. I

    DPPt/HGSS Free Rare-Ish Pokemon!

    Do you happen to have a lucky egg?
  4. I

    DPPt/HGSS What Stutt is Looking For

    Hey I'll get you Beldum for either Rotom or Skarmory. I want to have them with boosted experience. EDIT: Nevermind I got them.
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    DPPt/HGSS Inkjet1987's Trades

    Yeah but I only have one Gorebyss so it's a little too much to give up just for a Ledyba, sorry.
  6. I

    What was the last thing you had to see for your 'dex?

    I was pretty adamant and fought almost every trainer I could encounter, but I still managed to miss Drifloon. So yeah it was him. fighting all those trainers was definitely satisfying though. My Empoleon was pretty brutal.
  7. I

    DPPt/HGSS Inkjet1987's Trades

    Alright I pmed you.
  8. I

    DPPt/HGSS Inkjet1987's Trades

    I'll take your Natu, Swinub, Lunatone, and Beldum for Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Wigglytuff, and Milktank. NOTE: I've removed a couple pokes on my list.
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    DPPt/HGSS Inkjet1987's Trades

    Hey guys hows it going? Anyway I'll start this off. Here's how I rate things: Most Wanted Wanted What I want: Mew Ledyba Raikou Entei Suicine Lugia Ho-Oh Celebi Latios Jirachi Deoxys What I have to offer: Pretty much everything that isn't on the list above. It will be pretty hard to pry...
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    DPPt/HGSS Psylark's Trade requests

    Well if you miss me today I don't have school or work tomorrow. Sorry about all this.
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    DPPt/HGSS Psylark's Trade requests

    I've still got my manaphy for you. It's hard getting you at the right time. Do you have aim or anything. I'm at school today at 10:00 pm forum time to 1:00 pm.
  12. I

    DPPt/HGSS Psylark's Trade requests

    I'm here right now if you want to trade.
  13. I

    DPPt/HGSS Psylark's Trade requests

    Mine is straight from pokemon ranger. When will you be available?
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    DPPt/HGSS Psylark's Trade requests

    I'll get you manaphy or phione for a mew. I want a mew terribly.
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    DPPt/HGSS Will anybody make me the happiest person in the world?

    What is MYSTRY Mew and how is it different?
  16. I

    DPPt/HGSS Looking for Electerizer

    Alright awesome. I'll get you one as soon as I can. Probably tomorrow though.
  17. I

    DPPt/HGSS Looking for Electerizer

    I can get a magmarizer for whoever can get me one. I'll try and get anything else for it as well.
  18. I

    DPPt/HGSS Andys Trades! EVERY item, Legendarys, and some shiny's up for trade!

    Thanks. Oh crap I totally forgot why I wanted a elekid. I need that electivizer or whatever it's called. Do you have on of those by chance or are you able to catch elekids that hold it?? Edit: I can get you a Magby with Magmarizer if you need it.