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Search results

  1. G

    Pokemon as a Game Series: Growing or Failing?

    They are definetely growing! The best proof is right here on this sight. Is our logo not "Wii're still crazy and proud"? Some pokemon fans are hiding in their closet, others are openly public, wearing their pikachu ears. The fan base is still strong, and growing stronger. Look at my little...
  2. G

    Catch 'Em All: Reasonable or Not?

    The fact of the matter is if you know your not going to beat the game, if your positive its going to sit in a box on your closet shelf, if your not going to have fun, if you are not going to put in the effort, then just, plain and simple, don't buy any more pokemon games! It really is not that...
  3. G

    A Reason to Battle

    As soon as Snorlax lifted the boulder to throw it down the hatch, the ground a couple feet behind it broke. Persain lept from the hole, Snorlax's projectile never near the lanky cat. As the boulder was released, Persain was already springing into action. Two swift swipes to the back of the head...
  4. G

    GP's Sprites

    OK, Im new with this, so don't ridicule me... too much. Lance & Hurricane It's Volkner... with brown hair. Don't worry though, I'll be changing that up! If you never saw Lance's profile, this was the trainer card I made for him.
  5. G

    The Pokemon Fanbar Project - Show your colors!

    Dont mean to be a pest, but what tag do you put it between? Your demo didnt show it... Besides that thanks for the great job!
  6. G

    A Reason to Battle

    James beamed as he watched Persain slash at the giant pokemon. Persain was sprinting to and fro so fast that the jet black hair James had so neatly combed was sticking up from the draft. "Persain get a couple more slashes in their, go for the head!" With that the Persain lept foward and...
  7. G

    A Reason to Battle

    I'm already down a point, I need to gain it back quickly... James pondered a moment, which pokemon should I send out? Suddenly, in a whirling spin, and a flick of the wrist, a blue great ball was thrown, "Persain go!" The lean, ivory colored cat emerged from the glow of the great ball, the...
  8. G

    The Pokemon Fanbar Project - Show your colors!

    Thank you soooooo much! It looks awesome! Keep up the good work! I tried putting it in, but it didnt work. Maybe i am not doing it right? where i can find out how to put stuff in my signature?
  9. G

    The Pokemon Fanbar Project - Show your colors!

    Hey Jeydis, would you be able to incorporate a custom pic? If you could, i would really really appreciate it! Thanks! Text: A boy and his Gyarados PIC: the one i sent as an attachment background: waves and a dark stormy sky [attachment deleted by admin]
  10. G

    A Reason to Battle

    (OCC: okey-dokey, by the way, are these one pokemon a round or more?) As soon as Snorlax pulled its weight off of Dugrtio, it was evident that Snorlax's full body blow had been fatal. James stood there with a mortified expression, it had been five seconds, and already Dugtrio was down for the...
  11. G

    A Reason to Battle

    James gazed at the Snorlax again, making sure it was not going to do anything unexpected. The Snorlax did look asleep, but that was no reason to throw caution. He, for a quick moment looked at Dugtrio, an innocent glance, but when he looked back to Snorlax, it was not there. "Where is it, where...
  12. G

    A Reason to Battle

    (OOC: b/c we're in danger of losing the story due to inactivity... and Finn never technically said I was kicked off...) "Hi there!" Lance looked up, standing before him was a husky, yet tall boy. His jet black hair was combed neatly and parted down the middle. He was wearing a white suit, with...
  13. G

    A Reason to Battle

    ooc: Sorry about the Godmoding, although it was minor and unrelative. I fixed up everything, and wrote a letter of apology to Finn. Sorry Belle, but I couldn't get it sent to you. Hearthrome huh? This was Lance's first time in Sinoh, and of all places he ended up here... ... He had heard that...
  14. G

    Mainstream PRP Character Bios

    Lance Layer Hometown: Grew up in Vermelion, live outside of Mauville Height: 6ft 1in Weight: 165 lbs. Age: 19 Clothing: Lance always wears his father's blue jacket and has his guitar on hand. Relationship: Lance is single... for now Background History: FOR COOL HISTORY, CLICK ON THE ATTACHMENT...