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Search results

  1. K

    Sexuality (Specifically of the homo kind)

    The thing we have is literately called 'gay-day' and its a week long, at Disney World.
  2. K

    Sexuality (Specifically of the homo kind)

    I'm sorry for the mcdonalds analogy seeing as in it offended people but i was definitely squirming for a good analogy to use... and couldn't find one. What i was trying to say was its becoming more acceptable (at least where i am, anyway.) Sorry, but where i come from we don't bash people for...
  3. K

    Sexuality (Specifically of the homo kind)

    I dunno, but it seems weird. I don't like the fact that more people are dissing Christianity than talking about the subject at hand. (And to clear up a little misunderstanding, Jesus' father was a carpenter. And he was born in bethlehem. Jewish people are amazing at recording things, and i do...
  4. K

    Pictures, please ~

    This is me ^ ^ ! I hate taking pictures of pictures on phones! > <
  5. K

    Origin of your screen name(s)?

    I chose cookie for president because... i used to love cookie monster when i was a kid ^ ^. It carried on into my later years. Odd, i know!
  6. K

    My first Topic, a.k.a: What does you name mean?

    My name, Kristie, apparrently means "Follower of Christ" in latin... and Rebecca means "to tie" in hebrew... > > ... and my last name means "son of leod" in scottish, so i just have a weird name all together.
  7. K

    Fears and phobias

    Big spiders are extremely scary... I can't stand them...
  8. K

    Fears and phobias

    I am so scared of the ocean it is not even funny. For some reason, everytime i look at it (cuz we live on the edge of the ocean, how corny is that...) i start shaking violently. (i think this is called aquaphobia or something of that sort...) I am also afraid of clowns, but not as much as...
  9. K

    what pet do you own?

    We've had bonzillions of pets... well, highly exaggerated but right now we have a bird. He's a cute gray cockatail named 'Henry MacDougal' (yes, one of the MacDougal brothers for all you Outlaw Star fans). He loves cheez-it's, pretzels, and occassionally some ramen... LOL!
  10. K

    Kristie's Art

    Thanks a lot you guys! Right now i'm actually working on something but it may take me a little to actually post it! Thanks for all the encouragement! I'll get some more ASAP
  11. K

    Kristie's Art

    Ok, so i'm not taking requests cuz im too busy to be able to, but i was hoping that i could post some stuff and see what people think. I've only colored one on photoshop, sorry, but the rest are in black and white and pencil. Well, tell me what you think!! Thats it for now. If these get...
  12. K

    Hydrace Reality Tournament

    Atsuo couldn't help but almost laugh at poor rey's face. It was as red as his third degree burns. He noted that there were, indeed, many people now on deck. Their confused faces spoke their minds to him, and he continued to keep his chuckling mind low in profile. Being raised in a psychic...
  13. K

    Hydrace Reality Tournament

    The two dispersed. Kita, to find charlotte,and Atsuo, to see what the heck was going on on the deck. When he arrived, he saw Reynald (he hoped that was his name) dueling quite interestingly with his poke'mon. Atsuo was a competitive person, and was quite pleased that he would actually have a...
  14. K

    Hydrace Reality Tournament

    [ooc/ so apparently everyone decided to die at the same time, or maybe i'm just stuck in some weird version of purgatory. So, now that no has still posted for a MONTH, i've decided to take the initiative and get us back on the boards. bleh. I s'pose i have better things i could be doing, (like...
  15. K

    Reynald's Art

    OI! Casey! I can't see the pictures b/c of my schools F~I~L~T~E~R.. bleh. So my new e-mail is posted on my... gehhhhhhhh... profile! So i was thinking.... Did you want to draw ME a picture? Of the Kita in Hydrace and her Umbreon, Mr. Lazy? Pweaaaseeee??? >
  16. K

    Hydrace Reality Tournament

    Kita had to stifle chuckling at Mr. Millenniums humorous dab at himself. He was so super nice, she really didn't know what to say except: "It was a pleasure. Hopefully we can have lunch another time like this... without the... drama. Thank you so much for all your encouragement." She walked...
  17. K

    Hydrace Reality Tournament

    ooc| Due to the lack of notice in our roleplay at this moment, i can only conjure up so much information into this reply until a few people post so... that i suppose then i can... post again T T'... bic| Kita looked up at Mr. Millennium. He was being so nice but... "My brother is nice... he...
  18. K

    Your Current Reading Material

    My current reading material is... college books XD
  19. K

    Hydrace Reality Tournament

    ooc/GAHHHH!!! SO... MUCH... WORK.... @.@ Atsuo blinked a few times at the Seadra who floated in front of him, holding onto a glob of his hair. He resisted the urge to twitch for his once glorious locks had been mutilated to... this salt water mess. But, the seadra was being kind, he concluded...
  20. K

    Hydrace Reality Tournament

    ooc/ Sowwies ^ ^ i have been so busy at college i have really had no time to even get on the internet let alone breath, XD! Just one more matter to address, i know that some of you are probably thinking: "Oh, how her character changed like that is soooo noobish" well, just to letcha all know...