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  1. A

    Auburn's Spur-of-the-moment Arts

    Noo, it shall never see the light of day again XDD And yes that is sweat. 8D; Sorry for not making it clear enough.
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    Auburn's Spur-of-the-moment Arts

    Okay, I was at an iD Tech camp last week, in web design. They had graphics tablets, too, so I uh... got carried away and drew a lot. XD It didn't have pen pressure, but hey! I thought these were okay. (People kept staring over my shoulder, too. It was kind of flattering :P ) Haruhi Suzumiya D8...
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    Shinies: First ever, ones you want, have seen, or own

    Once in the middle of my Pearl game, I ran into a shiny Geodude. Unfortunately it blew up in my face with Selfdestruct. Lots of headdesking ensued. XD
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    What are you listening to - Right Now

    ICO - Save Me by SGX. That's this guy. He's awesome.
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    Favourite Legendary Pokemon

    Hurr... Favorites... First Gen: Articuno. Because way back when I was a little kid, playing Blue, and I was blindly going through that cave, strength-ing rocks to block the water, then going over to the bird's spot-- I just remember staring at the little sprite as big as my player for a long...
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    Without Love.

    Oh wow, this is great! I love your style of writing. You're also good at describing battles; that's pretty hard to do clearly in my opinion. Though, in chapter 6, the apricot/pokeball-making man's name is spelled Kurt, not Curt. XD Pretty trivial but I thought I'd point it out anyway. Awesome...
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    Pokemon Urban legends

    I recall a drawing PurpleKecleon once did on DeviantArt... http://purplekecleon.deviantart.com/art/MEW-BEHIND-THE-TRUCK-63368939 I was once told something about breeding Nidoking and Nidoqueen to get an OMG SUPER POKEMON... pfft. XD
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    Pokemon Nicknames

    Nicknames? I name 99% of my Pokemon, but I'll just put down the names I remember. I enjoy making up nonsense names, so... Skarmory - Rhett Salamence - Penelope (Actually, my friend originally named her this...) Froslass - Tansy (After a Redwall character- I thought the name was so pretty ;w; )...
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    The Mary Sue Test

    Ophelia.... got a zero. Plain as plain can be. XD All the sarcasm and stuff made me laugh, too.
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    Auburn's Spur-of-the-moment Arts

    Got my hard drive back, and semi-recovered. Lost everything since the 13th of January, however, so it's like I've just started 2008 all over again. *groans* anyway, small update. Yay random oekaki scribbles!
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    Auburn's Spur-of-the-moment Arts

    8D I appreciate the comments
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    Frontier Challenge 2.0

    (( Oh boy, stalkers! 8D And both those battles were very entertaining. xD)) Now that Ophelia had entered the stadium, her nerves began to flutter for the millionth time. She gripped her dress hem once more out of habit, then calmed herself, contented to watch the battles between Troy and...
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    Your Pokemon Mistakes

    Oooh boy. Let's see, I know I did I lot of stupid things... In my Silver, when doing the cloning glitch, I also lost my Venasaur, ironically enough. XD When I had my Ruby way back when, I believed a "cheat" a little fourth grader told me that if I talked to the old people up on the huge...
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    Auburn's Spur-of-the-moment Arts

    Thanks again |D And for the nose thing, I tend to omit them because I can't draw them to my satisfaction. Of course this leaves them noseless, which is a flaw. XD; I'll try adding them but I can't promise that they'll look like a nose. XDD Dunsparce cosplayer ftw. (+ nose, or somewhat of one...
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    Frontier Challenge 2.0

    The Pokecenter, while always crowded, made Ophelia feel a little safer. Every one looked pretty much the same, with the counter and the healing machine with the identical nurses. Fiddling with her dress hem once more, she looked around. The PCs had a long line, and she frowned slightly. It would...
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    Frontier Challenge 2.0

    (( Oh, no, really, everything's okay. Just wanted to point that out. XD I certainly wouldn't want the roleplay to go down the drain either. XD Just when we were getting to the exciting part! )) "Ah, um... y-yes." Ophelia blushed profusely at the obviousness of her state of anxiety. Rift only...
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    Frontier Challenge 2.0

    (( Um, I think what you're doing may be against the rules.. You're certainly not trying to kill them, but... Either way, I'd rather you not take control of my character, please. And Ophelia and Brian only just met so she couldn't possibly know how he acted.(Plus she's the shy one! xD) I just...
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    Frontier Challenge 2.0

    (( Shrimp lo mein, I think. *loves correcting spelling* XD )) The girl looked up at the new face and flushed with suprise, but quickly recovered. "Oh, y-yes. Please do," said she, smiling. She moved over to make room for them. "So, um, what's your name?" she inquired. "My name is Ophelia. I...
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    Frontier Challenge 2.0

    ((I believe it's spelled "phenomenal." Oh and I have no idea what this place looks like so I'm kinda making it up as I go. 8D I remember the Frontier place in Emerald, so I'm sorta going off of that a bit. Correct me if I'm wrong XD)) Ophelia viewed the show with awe-filled eyes. The people...