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  1. 1

    Hey Newbies, need a place to be???

    What I ment was for this forum to be kind of a place where newbies could get help, and get completely used to the system.
  2. 1

    Hey Newbies, need a place to be???

    Hey, I'm a newbie. I've never used this place before. I thought maybe it would be a good idea to have a place were newbies could get used to the whole idea of it. Here you can simply get used to using the system. You can post what you like and do what you like, JUST BE SURE YOU READ THE RULES...
  3. 1

    D & P to Johto?!

    I really liked the G/S/C gen. They were so much fun. There certainly is a lot of them in D/P. But if they remaid them do you think they would remake them for handheld gaming system or have them for something like the Wii. Personally I think that if they remake the G/S/C gen (which would be...