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Search results

  1. R

    Ask Teh Doc

    Do you know what i would like to see on the Wii? A sequel to Pokemon SNAP....Maybe it'll happen, maybe not. ;) ???
  2. R

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    Wait, can ID Cards have 8 Pokemon or is that a mistake???? Anyway...Mantine, Ninetails, Suicune and Cherrim. Mantine is SOOOOO Cuddly isn't he?? ;D :-*
  3. R

    Site Suggestion Topic

    So you don't think it's a good idea......A little positive reinforcement is just too much to ask i guess
  4. R

    Site Suggestion Topic

    Hello, i may be new to this site but i have an idea...Why not a feature about Pokemon's connections to legends and mythology? Other fansites have done it! ::)