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Search results

  1. G

    DPPt/HGSS Team deoxys (S) "batton passing based"

    Ambipon item-leaftovers nature-timid eves-252 hp and speed + 6 def swift nasty plot taunt batton pass Glicisor item-leaftovers nature- impish eves- 252 hp and defence + 6attack ice fang earthquake roost knock off Deoxys (speed frame) nature-hasty item-life orb eves- 252 attack and sp...
  2. G

    DPPt/HGSS Please Rate team Shaymin

    Ok an unushall name for a team but here is team shaymin Gengar timid item-=life orb eves- 252 speed/sp attack Move set shadow ball thunder bolt focus blast hypnosis special attacker of the team and anti rappid spiner pokemon. Shaymin -duh modest item -choice specs eves- 252 sp attack/speed...
  3. G

    DPPt/HGSS Rate my sand storm team

    Tyranitar nature-modest item-chcoice specs ability- sand stream evs -252special attack 252speed 6hp move set dark pulse ice beam flame thrower thunderbolt skagmorys beware! This tyranitar has upprised any opponent who has faced it and ened up ruining physical walls sent out. shuckle...
  4. G

    DPPt/HGSS Grievous's pernament battle thread

    Ok here today I am setting up my battle thread in wich people can challange me as often as they want. Currently looking for battles Now lets get down to the rules of the battles Standard wi fi battles wich are no ubers sleep clause-no more than one pokemon may be put to sleep by you of your...