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  1. R

    *click pop fizz!* Mmm... Sprite... (with tutorial!)

    Aww! Glad to hear it. ^^ I like your banner too, they look good! ;3 I can only tell the second one has a used pose.
  2. R

    *click pop fizz!* Mmm... Sprite... (with tutorial!)

    Of course. X333 And DeviantArt.
  3. R

    *click pop fizz!* Mmm... Sprite... (with tutorial!)

    Oh there will definitely be red. ;) Thanks, I'm glad the tutorial is helpful! ^^; Hmmm... but I wouldn't know which pokemon to pick. D: (I don't have any original pokemon thought out threw yet >_o )
  4. R

    *click pop fizz!* Mmm... Sprite... (with tutorial!)

    Thank you! ^^// I know I need to outline them more. XPPP Thank you though. ...Fatina's clothing? For a starter player character? O.o It seems a bit much to me... There are a lot of things that stay consistent with the starter player's clothing (for one thing-- ALWAYS have a hat). But I'll...
  5. R

    Jappio's Poke Splices, Fakemon, and Captace Region

    I have to say this, I really do. These are the ONLY Pokemon splices I have ever seen and LIKED. The fusing is great and some of the ideas are phenomenal! Keep up the great work! :)
  6. R

    *click pop fizz!* Mmm... Sprite... (with tutorial!)

    No, I googled the Sprite. XDDDD I guess I should take it down, considering. XPP Some of my sprites I used certain elements from pokemon sprites to fix the poses (ex: maybe an arm or two), but most of them I drew freehand. Yes, the first guy is flipping, and I made him from complete scratch. XP...
  7. R

    *click pop fizz!* Mmm... Sprite... (with tutorial!)

    lol, okay really. (I did not make the sprite-- it's a googled image. Everything else below I made) I made these a long time ago really, not so proud of them anymore...... ._. They have too much detail and shading to be pokemon related~! XD I just editted the third, fourth, fifth, and the...