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Search results

  1. C

    The Pokemon Fanbar Project - Show your colors!

    Can i have a Gallade one please?
  2. C

    Origin of your screen name(s)?

    Crystal aka diamond is the strongest mineral in the world. I want to be the princess of all the strong pokemon. The 13 is just my lucky number.
  3. C

    DPPt/HGSS Rate my team please

    So what would be good for alternatives for moves? Which pokemon?
  4. C

    DPPt/HGSS Rate my team please

    Leafeon/ Naive Last Resort Double Team Grass Knot Leaf Blade Ninetales/ Sassy SolarBeam Calm Mind Flamethrower Extrasensory Gallade/ Quiet Earthquake Night Slash Swords Dance Close Combat Raichu/ Hardy Volt Tackle Surf Thunderbolt Agility (The only reason she has both Volt Tackle and Surf is...