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  1. C

    Rockin' With Team Rocket!

    "Hitmonnnnnntop!!!" a scream came from the cage in the laboratory. The tiny fighting Pokemon was in tears for it's master, after being abducted by the Rocket Grunts earlier that day. Cadence and Janice stood side by side in the lab, proud of their capture, even proud of the Venonat which was...
  2. C

    Rockin' With Team Rocket!

    "Ah, I love it when people try to be heroes!" laughed Cadence, looking to Janice, and then back at the girl. "Sorry sweetheart, I'm afraid you'll be too tied up to help!" With that, Cadence produced another Pokeball, same as before, with an R on the front, and hurled it at the girl. Out came a...
  3. C

    Lake of Rage! A Story of new beginnings.

    "Gyrados! Use Ice Beam!" yelled Monica, as she glared at the tiny Bellossom. Gyrados' mouth and eyes began to glow a cold-blue, as a thick sheet of ice suddenly shot out, freezing the Bellossom's Petal Dance attack, the shards of ice fell into the water and onto the bank of the lake, as Gyrados...
  4. C

    Rockin' With Team Rocket!

    Cadence grinned, lifting off her tshirt to reveal a Team Rocket logo on her uniform underneath. "You three had best hand over the Charmeleon, or else you'll be in big big trouble!" she hissed, Koffing floated alongside her, as she stood alongside Janice, folding her arms and glaring at the three...
  5. C

    Lake of Rage! A Story of new beginnings.

    The Bellossom repeated it's Mega Drain process, Staryu eventually ran out of energy, and began to unbalance. "Staryu, use Water Gun!" commanded Monica. Staryu took aim at Bellossom and released a large stream of water directed right at the grass Pokemon. Monica was aware that water moves can...
  6. C

    Lake of Rage! A Story of new beginnings.

    "Grrr, good move" mouthed Monica, she turned her attention back to Staryu, who had the spores stuck to it. "Staryu, use Rapid Spin to remove the spores, then dive under and use Recover!" urged Monica, hoping Staryu could get back into the battle before it was unable to continue.
  7. C

    Lake of Rage! A Story of new beginnings.

    Staryu took a harsh hit from Petal Dance, and began sinking into the lake. "Staryu, Dive under and come up with a Double Edge attack!" shouted Monica. Staryu didn't emerge for a few seconds, then soared out of the lake, using the momentum from it's Double Edge to glide through the air towards...
  8. C

    Lake of Rage! A Story of new beginnings.

    "Ok, Gyrados return!" ordered Monica, recalling the leviathan-esque Pokemon. A grin suddenly shifted across her face, as she pulled out another Pokeball. Letting Gyrados take a breather. "Here we go!" she hurled the Pokeball towards the, now calmed, water, it sunk again, revealed the brown...
  9. C

    Lake of Rage! A Story of new beginnings.

    (OoC: Since when can Crobat go under water? >.>) "Look out Gyrados! Counter with Twister!" yelled Monica, hoping Gyrados could hear her under water. It soon became apparant that it did, as the once peaceful waters of the lake began to spin, a whirlpool forming, from which emerged a large...
  10. C

    Lake of Rage! A Story of new beginnings.

    (OoC: 2 Pokemon each) Gyrados writhed in pain from the high pitched attack, but soon snapped back to it's senses, glaring at the flying Crobat. "Gyrados, use Dragon Breath!" called Monica. Gyrados' eyes began to glow a luminous green, and spat out a green breath directly for the Crobat, hitting...
  11. C

    Lake of Rage! A Story of new beginnings.

    "You're so eager to battle little boy?" Monica turned her attention to the boy, angry at her for insulting his Crobat's Supersonic. "Very well, let's go!". Monica recalled her Weezing, and pulled another Pokeball from her bag. "2 v 2 work for you? Let's go Gyrados!" she hurled the Pokemon...
  12. C

    Mainstream PRP Character Bios

    Name: Cadence Gender: Female Hometown: Saffron City, Kanto Age: 21 Height: 5"9 Weight: Not telling! (Thin) Hair: Blonde, length down to the middle of her back Eyes: Brown Clothing: Casual-Jeans with black leather boots, black tank top. Uniform-White Team Rocket uniform with black gloves...
  13. C

    Rockin' With Team Rocket!

    "Koffing! Use Sludge on Raticate!" ordered Cadence, her blonde hair blowing in the breeze. Koffing complied with the order, spitting out a black sludge at Raticate, a direct hit. Raticate recoiled in pain, the sludge appearing to burn the it's skin. The Raticate's trainer recalled it to it's...
  14. C

    Lake of Rage! A Story of new beginnings.

    Monica stopped in her tracks after hearing the voice shouting to her. "Oh! I'd love a battle!" she replied, admiring Chihiro's beautiful Flygon, however, her admiration was soon cut short when she spotted Crobat. "Is that the Crobat that used that supersonic attack?" she didn't wait for a...
  15. C

    Lake of Rage! A Story of new beginnings.

    OoC: I hope it's ok if I jump in here! ^^b ----- The lake sparkled like jewels on a crown as the sun reflected off the water, a young girl was strolling along the bank, looking at the scenery. Maybe 17 or 18, she brushed a hand through her dark red hair, the wind messing it back up again...
  16. C

    Rockin' With Team Rocket!

    The restaraunt was soon filling, Cadence looked at Janice, and then at the other patrons. Cadence thought for a second, and then returned her gaze to outside, watching the Gloom and Oddish...but wait, they were gone? "Glooooooooooooom!!!!" a piercing sound filled her head, she quickly grabbed...
  17. C

    Rockin' With Team Rocket!

    OoC: We can work our way towards something like that, the way I see it is our characters are building rapport with each other at the moment.
  18. C

    Rockin' With Team Rocket!

    He has a Muk and Seviper remaining.
  19. C

    Rockin' With Team Rocket!

    Cadence stood up, her stomach also growling at all the egg discussion, similar to Janice, her feet on different steps. "Sure I'm starving. I don't know Viridian very well, but there has to be somewhere to eat." She picked up her bag, and walked alongside Janice. The pair sat at a table by the...
  20. C

    Rockin' With Team Rocket!

    OoC: Ok I see :( Suggestion noted and thanks for the advice. Viridian City, 1:20pm. "Hmm, I'm early" echoed in Cadence's mind. Her hair no longer the mess of crimson, now it was reverted back to blonde. Her clothes no longer outlandish, just a simple pair of jeans and a tshirt, with a red...