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Search results

  1. M

    Ideas on Generation V Pokemon

    hmm.that is interesting. what would you call the ground / poison type? toxeon maybe?i have no idea about the ground type. i would love a bug type to come out,but as they arent the most popular type,i expect it will have to wait till generation 6 or 7. arachneon for the win!
  2. M

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    i have limited it down.
  3. M

    Which would you be? Team Galatic or Team rocket?

    i would say neither as team galactic is a cult,and team rocket is a tease.i mean come on! i beat all the trainers on the bridge just like you asked,you even give me a nugget,yet i still can't join?what does it take to be a part of your cause?give you my left ear? team snaggem would be my pick.
  4. M

    What Kind of Pokemon are you?

    i would say i am an anime chikorita. i am not abandoned in the cold or anything,but i tend to go into a jealous rage whenever i see a pikachu. even when there isn't a pikachu i can get jealous,or even when there isn't an ash,but i think there is an ash. sometimes there isn't even a chikorita...
  5. M

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    i would agree with you on a lot,but they never should have changed his japanese name *shakes fist*
  6. M

    Ideas on Generation V Pokemon

    i was planning on listing all pokemon with only 1/2 stages. my point still stands. ONIX NEEDS A PREVO. i vote brimnix for a name.
  7. M

    What's Your least favorite pokemon?

    feebas.i don't really hate it as much as the zigzagoons,but when you put in the fact that it takes so long to catch,and tyhe fact that when it says in the guide that all you have to do is max ou their beauty,and the guide said nothing about having to level up,and breeding a pond of them,it...
  8. M

    Your Favorite Pokemon Type

    i like bug types. species?hmm.i would have to say spiders(spinarak!)and pandas(snorlax and spinda!).
  9. M

    Ideas on Generation V Pokemon

    hmm.that's a great idea.but since feebas already has one,he should just get alternatives,instead of making a new species. i was going to make a new thread for this,but since i found a thread that seems suitable,ill post it here. My Egg Theory it seems to me,that every pokemon...
  10. M

    Origin of your screen name(s)?

    i don't know anymore.sigh,i prefer Elmofudd.at least it had a story.
  11. M

    New Member Introduction Thread

    hey.i was a lurker back when the d/p dex was being discovered.i came every day in fact.now that it has been about a year,i have become a forumer,and if any of you go to totalspore or gametrailers,you might already know me. favorite type is bug
  12. M

    Favourite Legendary Pokemon

    1st gen:articuno/mew,because of their gracefulness. 2nd gen:lugia/entei because they are made of 100%badassium. 3rd gen:the first game i ever had was saphire,so kyogre stands alone here,although an honorable mention to rayquaza,for having the most frustrating boss labrynth in any game ever,and...
  13. M

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    hmm.i think,ill go about this the way i go about picking my favorite movie:by genre. so,ill have a favorite for each type of pokemon. Bug type:ariados Dark type:mightyena Dragon type:salamence Electric type:luxray Fighting type:hariyama Fire type:flareon Flying type:pidgeot Ghost type:sableye...