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Search results

  1. M

    Pokethulhu - Pen and Paper Pokemon

    There is a Beastmaster class in D&D, in Complete Adventurer. Also... Just found this on the Wizards board. This is pretty good. Not quite what I was looking for, but cool all the same.
  2. M

    Government Utilization of Super Powered Forces

    A non-descript man stepped up to the technicians, wearing blue jeans, hiking boots, a grey t-shirt, and an authentic Navy peacoat, complete with anchor buttons. He stood to attention, his blue eyes staring straight at the opposite wall. The technician approached warily, having had his share of...
  3. M

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    From the original 150, Scyther wins. From the Emerald Era (The latest ones I've played) I have a few favorites, but the one that comes immediately to mind is Absol. I've got a few I like for different reasons of aesthetics or pure awesome, and a lot that I like just because they have claws and...
  4. M

    New Member Introduction Thread

    Pokemon's more of a minor interest of mine, but I think it would be fun to be able to recreate it in the form of a table-top roleplaying game or arena game, even if just the basic mechanics and strategy, so thus I become a member here. I use this name most everywhere on the internet, so you may...
  5. M

    Pokethulhu - Pen and Paper Pokemon

    I'm not sure if anyone around here has ever heard of Pokethulhu... It's essentially a spoofy crossbreed of Pokemon and the Cthulhu mythos, from the creator of Risus. I was wondering if anyone knew of any pen-and-paper systems that might be a bit better at recreating Pokemon, without being...