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  1. L

    Spacial Rend of Change!

    Link wasn't listening to Caboose he was eavesdropping on the others across the room. A shocked look crossed his face as he thought, Palkia? The legendary pokemon? I wonder what Palkia has to do with this. Should I ask them about it? No...no....that would seem a bit...unnerving for them. Maybe I...
  2. L

    Spacial Rend of Change!

    "Just a regular hamburger.Plain,please." The squirtle walked off. "Yeah those are the ones I saw earlier, but I say we eat first before we deal with that. No need to start something before the food arrives" Link sat in deep concentration studying every move and detail of each of the pokemon...
  3. L

    Spacial Rend of Change!

    Link walked into the resturaunt,he was stunned he had just unwittingly walked right into the pokemon he was looking for. His mind raced he wondered what he should do next. His stomach grumbled loudly, Heheh food first I guess. He stood back thinking of what to order then it struck him, he...
  4. L

    Spacial Rend of Change!

    "No I don't know who these people are but I have a gut feeling they know something we don't, and I intend to find out what that is." He arrived in snowpoint and he felt a pang of dissapointment inside."I don't see anyone....." He sniffs the air a few times," Hey I smell food," He felt a pang of...
  5. L

    Spacial Rend of Change!

    He turned his head back so Caboose could hear him. "It's Link c'mon I know you're hurt but I don't want to lose the other group let's speed it up a bit." Link started to trudge throught the snow a bit faster. (OOC: Haha sorry bout that wasn't really thinking when I typed it)
  6. L

    Spacial Rend of Change!

    "Umm....well there's a group back in town of a few pokemon, I think our best bet would be to go there." Link started slowly walking towards town making sure croagunk didn't fall behind, "Coming?"
  7. L

    Spacial Rend of Change!

    (OCC: Well it seems shadowlatias got banned so i'm just going to ignore him.) Well i'm a trainer.....well was is probably more accurate now.... I can't say i've seen any of those pokemon recently, i'm sorry. But I know how you feel I think all the trainers do because everyone's pokemon are now...
  8. L

    Spacial Rend of Change!

    Link rolls his eyes "And that only proves my point further, just don't mind him from now on i'm sure absol can keep him under control." A smile spread across Link's face as he thought,Haha so the pokemon's controling the trainer now haha how funny.
  9. L

    Spacial Rend of Change!

    Link watched Silver stunned. Hmm.. I should make a mental note Silver is very aggressive. Link walked over to Silver and shook his head as if to say no. He turned to the croagunk," I'm sorry about my..... friend." Thats a bit of a stretch "He's a bit aggresive, so may I kindly ask your...
  10. L

    Spacial Rend of Change!

    OOC:Ah Link stared at Silver blankly. Why is he telling me this? With a fake nod at the end of Silver's statement, Link asked again with a bit of frustration in his voice, "So should we ask the other group if they know what is going on or not?" Just as he finished he turned and saw a croagunk...
  11. L

    Spacial Rend of Change!

    OOC: Wait I don't know about anyone else but i'm confused who is silver talking to?
  12. L

    Spacial Rend of Change!

    The Link standing in the snow dissapeared and the real Link jumped down from a nearby tree."Hmm seems my double team was unnessesary. Let me explain when I saw you coming to hit me I performed double team just in case. But on a different note everything said was true, I am truly sorry for my...
  13. L

    Spacial Rend of Change!

    Link turned and smiled awkwardly Nice job genius in your rush you just killed another chance at friends. "Well" he stammered trying to come up with a good excuse but to no avail," I just wanted answers and i'm sure these guys have 'em. I thought stopping and helping would waste to much time and...
  14. L

    Spacial Rend of Change!

    Link stopped and turned around. He put a paw to his forehead and sighed. If only I could find out what is going on I bet those people....err pokemon that crashed in snowpoint know something, these two are just slowing me down. Link made up his mind, he was going to run for it. He broke into a...
  15. L

    Spacial Rend of Change!

    "Ahh!" Link jumped back in fear ready to defend himself when a Zangoose and Absol had appeared seemingly out of nowhere behind him. He took a minute to calm himself down. "Hey were you two trainers before too?.....wait what does it matter they're just the same things now anyway. I was a trainer...
  16. L

    Spacial Rend of Change!

    (OOC: well i'm sorry for this short post I have to leave soon, I haven't posted recently becuase i was going to wait for arbiter but he'll be out for a bit and this is my only current idea) Link stirred awake, he instantly curled up into a ball because he was freezing, he realized he was in...
  17. L

    The Hurt & Heal Game: Smash Bros. Brawl Style

    #2 Pit - HP 61 Meta Knight - HP 36Hurt Link - HP 86 Heal Kirby - HP - 74 Samus - HP 71 Zelda - HP 67 Yoshi - HP 84
  18. L

    Your Pokemon Mistakes

    Haha I tried that too and one of my favorite pokemon was Scisscor, my friend promised me he knew how to duplicate it with the glitch, he ended up deleting it... after a few good smacks to his face I had let all my anger out
  19. L

    The Hurt & Heal Game: Smash Bros. Brawl Style

    #1 Pit - HP 57 Meta Knight - HP 37 Hurt Link - HP 89 Heal Kirby - HP - 72 Samus - HP 73 Zelda - HP 67 Yoshi - HP 84
  20. L

    Jeyjey's Request Topic!

    Could I get a teamshot with Link(trainer card in my signature) a Drifloon, Empoleon,Luxray,and Dialga?