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  1. T

    Spacial Rend of Change!

    OoC: My return. This one will be shorter, though. Frozen Alive! Sunyshore Beach (Still...) Jason looked piteously at the exhausted Sauron's body. The currently lucarioed (OoC: Taking the idea of a term from Gardevoir Master, if he doesn't mind) trainer had, he now knew, come all this way to...
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    Spacial Rend of Change!

    OoC: I'm very sorry for such a short message, but I'm gonna be gone from this PRP and the entire site for a few more days. Please do not take me out of this. I have exams coming up , so I gotta prepare. I'll come back with more posts though. The admin/mods can edit this if it's not allowed, but...
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    Spacial Rend of Change!

    OoC: Lawlz, sorry, I was gonna include Secad and Pieandchip, but they've gone off to Snowpoint. Your last post sounded kinda cold to me, whether you meant it or not, sorry for only mentioning you once or twice. Well here's my next one. I can read a Harry Potter book in a hour or two, but my...
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    Spacial Rend of Change!

    OoC: I'm only quoting what Linkfan already wrote, just to show that Sauron also heard what was said. SKIP THIS IF YOU ALREADY READ MY OTHER POSTS. THIS IS JUST FOR SOME TO SLIGHTLY CATCH UP. Last Time... Sauron's Story: Paws were more exact, because they were indeed paws, each of them...
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    Spacial Rend of Change!

    OoC: Now introducing Sauron, the last of my (current) PRP characters! But some fanfic back story first. Deal with it. :P Eterna City Sauron sat alone on the front porch of the house he inherited. He was born in Eterna City, but during a bus crash and fire, he was presumed dead by his...
  6. T

    The Pokemon Fanbar Project - Show your colors!

    Cool...I have at least 60, all hatched from eggs. I spent about 2 hours worth of playing simply riding my bike up and down through Solaceon town. I also have all 280 seals from that boy near the town. Yes. I was very, very bored. Back on topic: Text:EEVEELUTION FAN! BG:Anything that you think...
  7. T

    Korei Region - New map and mighty legendaries.

    Of course. Godmode is lame anyways. There's no fun in annhiliating everything in sight if you know that it's because your a cheater. Or hacker. Possibly an illegal modder. Depends really. I'm just saying that my starter has never fainted before in any pok
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    Spacial Rend of Change!

    OoC:@ Linkfan-Try to make it a bit longer and more detailed. Your grammar is okay, but it's a bit vague. You should give Link a bit of background. @ readers of PRP- Yes, now that they are pok
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    The Pokemon Fanbar Project - Show your colors!

    S'all right. I'll just have to work a bit harder. Working with sprites isn't as easy as it looks, but I never thought it was, either. I actually find using Photoshop for sprites makes everything more complex. I just stick with Microsoft Paint.
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    Korei Region - New map and mighty legendaries.

    Alas, someone created Prof. Maple. Couldn't be long. I just want to ask something. Because it's a starter, you'd expect to use your pok
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    The Pokemon Fanbar Project - Show your colors!

    Thanks, but I noticed you accidentally added a part of Rayquaza's tail (the two red pixels), I've already taken them out, and I hope you don't mind. Also, can you message me a few userbar backgrounds or the place you get them from. I'll still credit you for the stuff, I just want to try my hand...
  12. T

    Spacial Rend of Change!

    OoC: My first PRP was apparently too game-like, which explains my first warning, so I'm gonna try here. I believe this is a great idea, the turning into pok
  13. T

    The Pokemon Fanbar Project - Show your colors!

    Text wanted: Can you create two with different phrases. You can make them up. I just want a choice between. BG wanted: A leaf storm background, if you can make the leaves moves and glow cool. Or you can pick your own. You made it. Sprite wanted: Torterra on the right, the sprite I recolored in...
  14. T

    Mainstream PRP Character Bios

    Name: Sauron Gender: Male Hometown: Eterna City Age: 17 Personality: Calm, serious, sarcastic, and energetic. At different points in time, of course. Skills: None, unless you count having a green thumb as a skill. He also thinks he's good enough to cach Rayquaza. Past: Obtained his Turtwig at 7...