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Search results

  1. P

    Origin of your screen name(s)?

    I'm fiendishly obsessed with Pokemon, so that's the username meaning for me. I guess not too much thought put into it.
  2. P

    Because you thought it was cool...

    I jumped off a two-story balcony, because I thought it was cool...and almost landed on a wood board with several nails sticking out of it. I was lucky :)
  3. P

    Fears and phobias

    My main fear is heights. I'm okay about two stories up, but anything else is too high. If I'm inside and looking down 100 stories I'm okay, but I don't know how construction workers make it on those skyscrapers before they have walls.
  4. P

    If there was a fire...

    I have to agree with Linkachu and Gardevoir Master. My possessions are meaningless without my life and my parent's safety. If I deserted everything that meant most to me to grab a handful of material items, I haven't said much about my moral values. While I can completely understand being...
  5. P

    Have to say this

    Good luck with the life turnaround. And way to go for seeing a problem and trying to actively solve it.
  6. P

    Favorite tv show? Maybe a Movie?

    My favorite movie is by far and away "Dark City." A dark, creative movie where a person can levitate objects and change the planet with his mind is so cool!