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Search results

  1. J

    I want to draw YOU!

    Fair enough Geist ^^ RIGHT! My exams are OVER and as a result so is my time at Bhasvic 6th form college (if you'll pardon the tautology)! Why am I telling you this? Because it means I'm back in the drawing world. I've got a whole summer of sitting around, waiting for results and uni...
  2. J

    DPPt/HGSS Nalani's Trading Spot ~ Pokemon, Stones, TMs and More!

    Hey, If you didn't get my PM I'm up for that trade and have an Omanyte ready and waiting. Just need to both be online at the same time XD
  3. J

    DPPt/HGSS Nalani's Trading Spot ~ Pokemon, Stones, TMs and More!

    Hey, I'm after an Eevee with wish, I can offer the following straight away: Tangela, Snorunt, Shroomish And the following after breeding: Turtwig Cubone Elekid Omanyte Kabuto Sentret Ledyba Spinarak Smeargle Poochyena Zigzagoon Corphish Lileep Anorith Spheal Anything you'd prefer?
  4. J

    DPPt/HGSS Help Me on My Poke Hunt?~Luna's Breed Trade

    Don't suppose you can breed Wish onto an Eevee???
  5. J

    I want to draw YOU!

    Haven't I already got you on PKMN? DELAY >.< I hate exams. Expect updates towards the end of the week.
  6. J

    I want to draw YOU!

    I was too, but I thought it was too obvious. Glad you like it. Shado & Mudskipper are added to the list. I've got a busy few days so the 5 I have waiting now will probably get done over the weekend, posted Monday, anything added between now & then should be done by the end of next week.
  7. J

    I want to draw YOU!

    I give you: Seikaryuu the Linoon - Sporty, likes to run, thought of this 'mon straight away. Second choice would have been Hitmonlee, but it wasn't quite right. Chibi the Pachirisu - Small, cute, likes to annoy trainers. Dunno about you but I love what I did with the hair! What do you...
  8. J

    I want to draw YOU!

    Ok Matthew, you're on the list! I've got this going on across multiple forums so I've got a couple on the go at the moment, I'll put you to the top of the list for the next batch though.
  9. J

    I want to draw YOU!

    RIGHT! My exams are OVER and as a result so is my time at Bhasvic 6th form college (if you'll pardon the tautology)! Why am I telling you this? Because it means I'm back in the drawing world. I've got a whole summer of sitting around, waiting for results and uni information. What do I want to do...
  10. J

    if you could have a pokemon what would it be

    Smeargle causes I'm an artist myself, so I imagine that would be quite fun. I'd also like Mew, just cause it's so amazingly cute!
  11. J

    Breeding: A Handy How To guide (Work in Progress)

    Your comment about Nidoran male & female and Illumise & Volbeat also goes for Tauros & Miltank I believe. I haven't tried though. There's also another but I can't remember it.