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Search results

  1. M

    DPPt/HGSS Help Me on My Poke Hunt?~Luna's Breed Trade

    Absol Dratini Eevee I will take those Munchlax Torchic
  2. M

    DPPt/HGSS Help Me on My Poke Hunt?~Luna's Breed Trade

    hey thanks ;D i looked and remembered i have an electivire that i dont need anymore if you want it ;)
  3. M

    DPPt/HGSS Help Me on My Poke Hunt?~Luna's Breed Trade

    i can give you a areodactyl, kangaskhan,arcanine,and fealigator you can give me anything other then commons (starly, Shinx) i will try and get it to you in two days ;D
  4. M

    DPPt/HGSS Battle Me

    ok Goldfan i will battle you at 3 with lvl 100 and double and Shado i will try and catch you at 4:30 you can chose but i prefer free level by the way i dont care about items i just dont like people who cheat in battles with AR DS(Action Replay) and GS DS (Gameshark)
  5. M

    DPPt/HGSS Battle Me

    ok i will use one legendary, my friend code is in this fourm, leave your code. i start looking for battles at 3pm on weekdays(including friday) I also got a GBA gameshark so the first person to beat me gets a lvl 50 mew that comes with a heart scale and knows every pokemon ruby TM + HM move. ;D
  6. M

    DPPt/HGSS Battle Me

    Its alright and by the way Shado if you still want to know i use all lvl 100 i would give my friend code but my mom is using my ds so i cant but i will get it back, you can expect it this week, one last thing do you have a darkrai. don't worry the mew offer is still up [EDIT] i got it my...
  7. M

    DPPt/HGSS Battle Me

    alright all legends are allowed I dont care what level they are. I would like double battle and free level. i will send my friend code around 4pm.
  8. M

    DPPt/HGSS Battle Me

    New but skillful i want to battle and trade 'Expect to lose 'Looking for darkrai 'First three people to beat me get a mew 'Double battle fan dont expect to win