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  1. V

    Mess in the mines of Mt. Moon

    Growlithe had pounced on the poor sleeping Gale whom woke up with a start and made an angry noise at Growlithe but then decided it wasn't worth his time. Rei went over to Growlithe who was now pouting near Gale " You should know better by now not to wake him up, he gets extremly crank." Rei...
  2. V

    Crush a wish!

    Granted but you then vomit (YUCKY!_) i WISH sweet doesnt puke
  3. V

    Mess in the mines of Mt. Moon

    Rei watched her pokemon start to play after they finished eating. Minus Blaze whom was staring at her and made a small noise that she knew ment more please. "Alright you piggy." Rei giggled giving her lovely Ninetails some more food then watched her other pokemon carefully. Rei sighed noticing...
  4. V

    Crush a wish!

    Granted it made you lose 20 pages... I wish thatthere was a logical reson to why you can see my class mates spin through his stomach *shudder*
  5. V

    Mess in the mines of Mt. Moon

    Rei decided to sit down next to a tree outside the Pokemon CenterSetting the egg down carefully beside her. Then got out her Pokefood she caried with her. "Growlithe...Seal...Gale...Chow time!" Rei said cheerfully as each pokemon came outhappily....well minus Gale whom was pouting as usual. Rei...
  6. V

    Crush a wish!

    Granted but it is broken I wish I knew who this Vin was cauz their is no Vin in my school...or at least grade
  7. V

    Crush a wish!

    Granted but your only confussed more... I wish that Dan would stop wearing perverted shirts to school *embarrassed blush* ((my teacher already read it and had to try not to burst out laughing...MWUAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHA))
  8. V

    Crush a wish!

    Granted, but now you shall forever be tormented by me poking you I hope My Class LOVES my sppech tomarrow
  9. V

    Mess in the mines of Mt. Moon

    Rei Had gotten bored at the lab after she signed up for the whole mine thing. Rei jumped slightly when she heard a loud rumble and she turned quickly and saw her embarrassed looking Ninetails, Blaze. " A little hungry Blaze? Sometimes I have to wonder if your part Munchlax!" Rei teased softly...
  10. V

    Crush a wish!

    Granted but soon your just a running skeleton I wish nobody died
  11. V

    Mess in the mines of Mt. Moon

    "I guess I could do it..It will be awhile before I can go back to Hoenn anyways." Rei shurged." My pokemon will be able to get some more experiance....They have had to sit on the sidelines and be bored after we finished collecting badges." Rei Gave a small laugh. "Puuur-sian" Kitty said happily...
  12. V

    Crush a wish!

    granted but it is raining extremly hard i wish secad wouldnt hit people wit gerballs
  13. V

    Crush a wish!

    Granted but suddenly a decimal is insterted between the 1 and 7 (I ISH SORRY) I wish that my friends baby doesnt die..poor little thing is in the hospital
  14. V

    Mess in the mines of Mt. Moon

    "I think I will wait." Rei said a little nervous still. "What is with that tremor?" Rei glanced around the room. She had thouasands of questions , but she held back doing her best not to seem annoying. "Puur-sain" Kitty sighed. Blaze sat looking round the room slightly. ooc: Sory bout short...
  15. V

    Crush a wish!

    Granted but then the members of Slipknot die in an car accident (T_T) I wish I didnt have ADD
  16. V

    Crush a wish!

    Granted but the machine breaks (bummer) I wish that i just did not fall that civics test
  17. V

    Mess in the mines of Mt. Moon

    "Yea I am fine. "Rei said shakily taking his hand and standing up. "Are you alright. I am going to get my Ninetails out to help get some light in here." Rei fumbled with her pokeballs till she found the right one. "Blaze come on out!" Rei could faintly see Blaze's outline. "Blaze will-o-wisp."...
  18. V

    Crush a wish!

    granted but they wanted something else i wish i wasnt tired
  19. V

    Crush a wish!

    Granted but it turns out to be the song that get on everybodys nerves that will be the only one that will play I wish my school choir would sing the song that gets on everybodys nevrves at our first concert
  20. V

    Mess in the mines of Mt. Moon

    Rei felt the ground trembling right when she was going to hand over the egg but instead pulled it close to herself. Kitty drew close to Rei protectively. Rei had curled in a ball on the ground while the building had shook holding the egg close, while Kitty had blocked several large books from...