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  1. K

    The ultimate, unofficial, awesome tournament of all time!

    *Yawn* Chase sighed as he walked through Jubilife city bored as always, Chase was a 14 year old boy with black messy hair, and he wore normal black T-shirt with jeans and also he loved traveling as well as battles and contests. He slowly walked through the big city passing the Poketch Company...
  2. K

    Summer in Kanto.

    (my turn) Wow Kanto is alot different then the other regions thought a trainer walking through a forest, his name was chase a trainer originally from sinnoh he's been to Johto and Hoen but this is his first time in kanto, at least alone that is. After a few hours of being lost in the lush green...
  3. K

    Mainstream PRP Character Bios

    Name: Chase Soarient Gender: Male Hometown: Twinleaf Town Age:14 Height: 5"6' Weight: 146 lb. Hair: Black and messy Eyes: Black Clothing: Casual Jeans and T-shirts Identifying Marks: Right eye is hurt badly. (covered by hair) Musculature: Toned (not buff but not average)...