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  1. S

    New to PRP? Maybe just improve? Boy, do we have the PRP for you.

    (OOC: Well trying toning it down a little bit then if you think you might be.) Munch opened his mouth and shot out water as forceful as he could. They all watched in amazement as Water Gun and Dragon Rage collided, creating a big flash of light. Riley used her arm to shield her eyes. When...
  2. S

    New to PRP? Maybe just improve? Boy, do we have the PRP for you.

    (OOC: Well, I'm not to sure... I thought Rage was running toward the Pokemon and unleashing whatever attack they have, but I may be wrong. But I'm not trying to be God Moddish. Munch is actually really strong, was born with high stats.) Munch kept himself crouched down, the flame just hitting...
  3. S

    New to PRP? Maybe just improve? Boy, do we have the PRP for you.

    (OOC: Nope, it's fine, I hope I'm not doing the same, which I think my posts are pretty reasonable.) Charmander took the hit of water and got very angry. "Char... Mander!!" Riley heard the Charmander's cry and widened her eyes. "If Mudkip gets hit in Charmander's Rage, he might not make it..."...
  4. S

    New to PRP? Maybe just improve? Boy, do we have the PRP for you.

    "Oh no, Charmander! Dodge it and use Smokescreen!" Zach called out. "I so don't wanna lose this! It won't be over so quick!" Charmander did as his trainer said, and dodged the bubbles. He opened his mouth and let out smoke, creating the Smokescreen attack. Smoke filled the air around them...
  5. S

    New to PRP? Maybe just improve? Boy, do we have the PRP for you.

    (OOC: It's okay :) I was just letting you know. Try double checking my last post before assuming, and if you forget something about a character or Pokemon, look back at the recent posts. They aren't going to bite you :P Btw: Munch (Mudkip) is a boy. So is Sparks (Pikachu)) "Damn! Try and hit...
  6. S

    New to PRP? Maybe just improve? Boy, do we have the PRP for you.

    (OOC: Umm... Riley doesn't have a Riolu... Just Mudkip and Pikachu. Try not to choose my Pokemon for me. =/) "A Charmander, huh? For this battle, I'll use Munch!" Riley threw her Pokeball, "Go, Munch! Let's show this Charmander what you're made of!" And with a flash of light, Munch stood before...
  7. S

    New to PRP? Maybe just improve? Boy, do we have the PRP for you.

    (OOC: Raeze is pronounced "raise") She started thinking to herself, "I hope I do okay... This is my first pokemon battle, but... I think my Pokemon are strong enough... I have a lot of confidence in them... On the other hand, if I don't win, that proves I'm not ready for Falkner..." A flash...
  8. S

    New to PRP? Maybe just improve? Boy, do we have the PRP for you.

    "By the way, I was wondering if you wanted to travel with me?" Zach asked. Riley turned a little red with Zach's bold question. "Well, I-uh..." She shook her head out of her blushing and turned her head towards Sparks with a grin. Sparks seemed to have read her mind, smirking and nodding his...
  9. S

    New to PRP? Maybe just improve? Boy, do we have the PRP for you.

    Riley scrambled around to put everything in her backpack. Took apart the tent, stuffed it in her backpack and neatly folded her pj's and set them in gently. "Munch, back into your Pokeball now." She smiled and pressed the little white button on the front of the blue, net looking Pokeball. Munch...
  10. S

    Your First Pokemon

    I remember, long long ago, when pokemon first came out, I saw Squirtle and fell in love with it. The first episode I ever saw was Pokefriends. And I loved Squirtle, and his black sunglasses, I thought it was so cute. It also started my love for water pokemon.
  11. S

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    My favorite starter I ever had... Thats a tough one. I loved Mudkip's 3rd evolution Swampert. 2 of my favorite pokemon types combined, I love using double attack moves, such as surf and magnitude/earthquake. plus he's awesome looking! But my favorite pokemon of all is also tied with Swampert...
  12. S

    Favorite Pokemon For Each Type

    Bug: Ledian & Pineco Dark: Umbreon & Mightyena Dragon: Dragonite & Flygon Electric: Pikachu & Richu Fighting: Monferno & Hitmontop Flying: Butterfree & Taillow Fire: Camerupt & Arcanine Ghost: Dusknoir & Duskull Grass: Bulbasaur & Ludicolo Ground: Donphan & Piloswine Ice: Snorunt & Dewgong...
  13. S

    New to PRP? Maybe just improve? Boy, do we have the PRP for you.

    (OOC: I just realized that I made a typo in my first post... Riley is actually supposed to be thirteen, not sixteen. :-[) "I'm Riley, and this is my Mudkip, Munch." Riley said, trying to slow her heartbeat down from Zach startling her. Upon hearing his name, Munch trotted over and sniffed...
  14. S

    New to PRP? Maybe just improve? Boy, do we have the PRP for you.

    (OOC: Thanks! :) I've never done anything like this before, so I hope I'm not too horrible.) "...What was that, Emmanuel?" Riley heard the smaller boy ask. Riley looked at the other boy, "That must be Emmanuel..." She assumed. She watched in amazement as Sentret and Spinarak battled eachother...
  15. S

    New to PRP? Maybe just improve? Boy, do we have the PRP for you.

    "M-Muuuud…" the tiny water Pokémon nudged the sleeping sixteen-year-old girl's arm. Riley woke up and smiled, some of her semi-long hair covered her blue eyes, as she barely saw the Mudkip's face. "Morning, Munch." Munch's face lit up. "Mudkip!" "Are you hungry, little mud monster?"...