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Search results

  1. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    "Yes we're a rescue team, Team Eclipse has been desperate for a Glaceon to join their team, if they get a Glaceon then Team Eclipse would have the whole Eevee-evolutions as one team." Eli said to Peachy. "And yes there was an earthquake and from what I seen heading over here it seemed like a...
  2. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    'That's just what Sora said when we first met, could Peachy be like Sora? No way that couldn't be possible, Sora said that all she could remember was her name and that she was a human so there's no way it's remotely possible for those two to be the same.' Eli was thinking, while looking at both...
  3. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    "My name's Sora, it's nice to meet you Peachy!" Sora introduced herself to the Eevee. "Hey Peachy, where did you come from? There aren't many Eevees that come into this town without evolving first, how'd you get here?" Eli asked Peachy, thinking that where ever Peachy was from was where Sora...
  4. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    Sora felt the ground shaking, trying to stay on her feet Sora tried to run to Team Eclipse's base to see if any of them were okay. Since Eli was floating he didn't notice the earthquake but he saw almost everything become a mangled mess, he had hoped that his family was alright and desperately...
  5. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    Mt. Bristle, 6F Team Shadow had a rough time getting up Mt. Bristle for sometime now, the two were dangerously low on Oran Berries and low on Elixers. Eli was searching through his pack for Pecha Berries because Sora had gotten poisoned by Nidorina after she attacked the pokemon not knowing...
  6. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    Sora looked at Maggie with almost tear-filled eyes and nodded "yes" to answer Maggie's question, Sora was thankful that Maggie had found her and asked if she needed help getting around because she was way beyond lost. "Thank you helping me out Maggie, I really appreciate it!" Sora happily...
  7. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    While Eli left the base to get supplies he almost flew past Kangaskan's Storage and began to think about that Icy Rock he and Sora recieved from the Marill, as he thought about that Eli asked Kangaskan for the Icy Rock. Once the rock was handed to him Eli unwrapped it from the bandana and...
  8. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    "Thank you Aurax and good luck training Chimmy and Tails!" Sora said to Aurax seeing him leaving to go back to the training base. Sora for some reason stayed at the pond thinking of any possible placed Ninetails would be but all she could think of was in desert lands where it would be nice and...
  9. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    "That story was very interesting, I really liked it," Sora told Aurax then added, "No I don't think you got my name, my name is Sora." Sora finally introduced herself to the Lucario. After Sora introduced herself to Aurax, she started to think about what Aurax had told her about the pokemon who...
  10. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    After hearing the story Aurax told Sora was scared to death having tons of thought flooding her head, but the thought that always came to her was 'what if I really am the human in the story' then following that thought was 'If I am then I'm that horrible person for abondoning Gardevoir'. Aside...
  11. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    Hearing what Aurax had to say and the story he was going to tell about the 'nine tails of Ninetails', she would be glad to hear it. "I would love to hear it, could you please tell
  12. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    Sora overheard Harmony talking to a Mismagius named Maggie and overheard that Maggie was watching her because she didn't trust Sora, Sora knew something was wrong when she heard Maggie telling Harmony that she may have been a human in a past life. Sora wanted to tell the Mismagius that she is a...
  13. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    "There wasn't much in my dream, all I could see in my dream was a faint figure saying something to me but I couldn't completely make it out because the voice was fading fast." Sora told Aurax, wondering why he was wanting to know what happened in her dream.
  14. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    Sora noticed Aurax near them and had asked them what they were doing at the pond at this time of night, Harmony had told him that she couldn't get back to sleep so she came here and started chatting with a friend. "The reason why I'm here is because I woke up from a dream and I couldn't get...
  15. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    After while of looking in the sky Sora had felt that someone was watching her closeby, she ignored it for quite sometime but when it became irritating to her, she quickly turned around to a random bush and unknowingly had her fur standing up because of her annoyance. She kept turning her...
  16. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    Once Team Shadow was in the Drenched Bluff Eli re-read the rescue request to see what the mission objective was and what it said was that Marill needs rescued on the sixth floor, Eli knew that it would be awhile but it would be the best thing to get his mind off of Team Eclipse. On the first...
  17. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    Sora looked at Team Eclipse with an amazed look seeing such power from the six of the Eevee evolutions, Eli tried to snap Sora out of her amazement but nothing worked so he took the whistle Curious used and blew it loud causing Sora to immediately cover her ears. "You didn't have to use that...
  18. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    "Uhh...I don't know, for me it would probably be too soon to evolve into a Glaceon. Plus I don't know where I could possibly find an icy rock to help me evolve." Sora said, and that was all she could think of on such short notice and not expected to be asked such a question out of the blue...
  19. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    Before Eli and Sora went to Drenched Bluff to start their mission Eli suggested that they go to the square to prepare, the first place Eli and Sora went to was Duskull's Bank to withdraw some money to buy stuff with. Eli knew that he would have around 200 pokedollars in the bank from doing...
  20. P

    Pokemon Explorers of Darkness: A New Adventure

    As the morning sun rose Sora was starting to wake up and when she had fully awoken she saw Eli carrying a package in from outside, the Eevee saw a excited expression on the Shuppet's face and seeing that told her that something from the Rescue Team Registry Office sent something. Sora got up...