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  1. S

    What are you listening to - Right Now

    Peace Sells - Megadeth Working on this on guitar.^.^
  2. S

    Sinnoh Tour (Tentative/crappy title)

    "So...what shall we do now?" Silver uttered softly to Cynda, his Quilava. They had been in the library for a fairly long amount of time.This was pretty much one of the only quiet places in the area.Too chaotic outside for him.Even though he himself had just arrived, by walking, to make it worse...
  3. S

    Shinies: First ever, ones you want, have seen, or own

    I envy you all and your ability to get shinies.T.T I simply have my red Gyrados to keep me company. ;_; I think I shiny Zigzagoon would be pretty spiffy, though.^^ It's like..autumn colored. :3 And maybe a shiny Numel. Something about the blue on it I find cool.^^ But the blue on a shiny...
  4. S

    Mainstream PRP Character Bios

    (Guess i'll post my character now, if nobody minds.^.^) Name: Aki Nemura (Nickname: Silver) Gender: Male Hometown: Ecruteak City Age: 15 Height: Around 6'1 Weight: Unknown Hair: Slightly long, spiky, silver (Hence his nickname) Eyes: Blue Clothing: Silver usually wears a white...