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Search results

  1. B

    What is the most frequently used type by all players???

    Totally unsure so takin a wild guess... STEEL TYPE. Well, it is for me though: . Metagross no.1 . Metagross no.2 . Empoleon . Magnezone . Dialga . Scizor . Steelix . Bronzong . Magnemite . Lucario . Shieldon . Skarmory And second, I think dragon types and for me I use: . Garchomp . Altaria...
  2. B

    Your best Pokémon

    This is obvious for me. Gotta be ma' Metagross no. 1, it's a lv 100 and knows bullet punch, meteor mash, psychic and earthquake.:) [attachment deleted by admin]
  3. B

    Favorite Pokemon For Each Type

    For me, they are: bug.Scizor dark.Tyranitar poison.Gengar steel.Metagross rock.Rampardos ground.Gliscor fire.Infernape water.Empoleon grass.Sceptile dragon.Garchomp flying.Altaria normal.Exploud fighting.Gallade psychic.Alakazam ghost.Dusknoir electric.Electivire ice.Weavile And that's it...
  4. B

    Shinies: First ever, ones you want, have seen, or own

    Well, I've got a shiny crawdaunt, I've seen a shiny crobat and I want a shiny lucario. My first ever shiny is my crawdaunt. It knows a few good moves which are swords dance, night slash, crabhammer and surf :).
  5. B

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    This is my all time fave...GALLADE!! I mean, I just LOOOOOOOOVE it man! It looks like it'll chop a man's head off with it's huge elbows! :)