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  1. D

    Anime Traits: What do You Pick Up?

    I tend to act a lot like Sasuke. I also have picked up the habit of putting my hand in front of my mouth and my index finger pressed under my nose, like Francis Dolarhyde in Red Dragon.
  2. D

    Pets- because humans just don't cut it sometimes.

    I have two cats- Cybele and Pumpkin- and about sixty goldfish. My original two are called Comet and Rocket, but they had loads of kids. The ones I'm keeping are called Grievous, Maul, Hoth and Vader. Geekfest goldfish! ;D
  3. D


    I'd like a scarecrow, in black and white, on my left arm. It'd be scetchy, like an ink drawing. I'd also like a pair a small black angel wings on my shoulders, and barcode on my upper right arm. :D
  4. D


    Yeah, well... I'm a newbie, and not that bright before lunchtime. I haven't eaten since teatime...
  5. D


    I die of vomiting my guts out. I drop a Pichu.
  6. D

    The Pokecharms PokeBattle Game

    Oh, boy. I got Mareep. How do get the little Pokemon pictures?
  7. D

    Apple: Pokemon Edition!

  8. D

    The Vending Machine Game!

    You get a pair of solid gold underpants. Insert a dead elephant.
  9. D

    Walk Now for Autism 2009- Anyone participating or pledging?

    Where? When? How? Why? I have autism, and I walk, so...
  10. D


    My handwriting is neat but so small noone can read it. My spelling is abysmal, as is my typing, but I edit everything I post so nobody can really tell. I also have a bad habit of crossing my Ls and running words into each other... Oh, and Database's handwriting really is as bad as he says it is...
  11. D

    One Wish

    (Whenever I read your posts, I hear you reading it...) Anyhoo, I hear what you say about extreamists and offer this- Buhhdist extreamists, by and large, harm themselves not others, like the monks who set themselves alight, when they want to make a point. All other extreamists harm the maximum...
  12. D

    The World Disappoints Me...

    Wow, I learnt something today- I'm pretentious! The truth is we are stupid and my post was a joke.
  13. D

    The World Disappoints Me...

    My main gripe can be summed up three words- people are stupid. Everyone is- they are blinkered and childish and can't see the truth. What is the truth? I don't know, but it ain't what we're living by, or we'd be better off than we are now.
  14. D

    One Wish

    *waves* Hey, Database! Remember me? Anyway, you have a point- I've been called an idiot many times before, so it's all subjective. And anyway, could you call Hitler, or Bin Laden, or any other dictator an idiot? Stupidity is not the problem, just what you do with your brain. I would wish...
  15. D

    What is your most over commonly used saying?

    "How can somebody be as stupid as you and live?" "You're wierd..." "That was then- this is now..." "Make me happy and die!"
  16. D

    An image that represents you entirely

    Lord Vetinari, from Sir Terry Pratchett's Discworld. My hero and role model in life.
  17. D


    Haha... I go to the same school as Database. I'm now in a 10-week holiday before 6th form. And everyone else at my busstop is still at school. Oh, smugness feels so good...
  18. D

    weirdest thing you've done?

    A lot of stuff. I once screamed 'Growlithe!' in the middle of Physics, and I talk to my Gameboy Colour. Things like 'My God, I hate Apiom... Oh sheet, Riaku and Entai, and I have no Pokeballs!' I also used to yowl like a cat when annoyed, or howl like a wolf.