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  1. Newprofile001

    Mistakes, mistakes

    Gaz could sense another presence... but he could not confirm until he heard voices. He took a drag on the cigarette, and it fell out of his mouth as the phone vibrated in his pocket. He fumbled to save the cigarette, but it landed on the dirt beside the quad and went out. Well, so much for the...
  2. Newprofile001

    Meep's got sprites ~and does requests too~

    Thanks, Meep - yes, they're alright.
  3. Newprofile001

    Virgil's MS Paintings and iScribbles

    If that's a Driftcopter, then where's your brother? Also, the Treecano thing is neat. The top looks like a volcano (=-3
  4. Newprofile001

    Virgil's MS Paintings and iScribbles

    KANGATHER!! *hugs the Kangather* Well, the Koalight does look lonely when I cover up the other two. But I like the male Kangather the best, personally. It's just.... cute.
  5. Newprofile001

    Virgil's MS Paintings and iScribbles

    @_@ MUST OBEY-Ow! My toe! Anyways, I'm too sleepy to obey, though I LOVE how you did the black-and-white negative with a piece on top. Genius. Can you get Toybox to hypnotize me to start speling right... or better yet, make me fall asleep? ^^;
  6. Newprofile001

    Mistakes, mistakes

    ((Yay, compy's back up and running. Only prob is my brother's hogging it, and for the reference, I let Tatile auto Gaz.)) Gaz woke up, only to find he was strapped to the rear-facing and cargo-rack-mounted seat on the back of the quadbike, and he was in Goldenrod.. Unfortunately, that's when...
  7. Newprofile001

    Site Suggestion Topic

    Why don't you make a phone-frienly version of the site? That way, it wouldn't be so hard to load the page while using the phone or while typing using the phone, like I am now...
  8. Newprofile001

    Mistakes, mistakes

    (OOC - This is going to sound confusing, but it's supposed to be confusing. It's a time paradox, after all. I'm making this to have a way for Gaz to be out of the PRP.) Gaz woke up and looked around. This wasn't his cabana. The mattress was a metal spring mattress, unlike the one at the cabana...
  9. Newprofile001

    Mistakes, mistakes

    Unfortunately, due to unforseen circumstances-my computer crashing-I will be unable to continue for now. Plus, its hard to make his phone do what I want it to. I apologize for the inconvienience.
  10. Newprofile001

    Mistakes, mistakes

    The boat's horn blew, as Gaz was preparing to disembark. The quadbike was being taken out, as the ship was latched and anchored. Gaz walked out onto the large ship's deck and looked out at the lighthouse. Lucario was right beside Gaz, looking at the shoreline. "Wow. This place has changed," Gaz...
  11. Newprofile001

    The Vending Machine Game!

    You get a boot to the head. I press the PEPSI button after inserting a Pepsi.
  12. Newprofile001

    A summer of change - a chance to see what you want!

    Personally, the only thing I see that might need change is the Premier Pokeballs indicating a new post in a child board should be added to the image key at the bottom there. Otherwise, it's fine.
  13. Newprofile001

    Virgil's MS Paintings and iScribbles

    What crappy ice cream cone? I don't see a crappy ice cream cone. Do you see a crappy ice cream cone? 'Cause I don't. Also, faceless chick FOR THE WIN! And does that walrus think it's playing Metal Gear Solid or something?
  14. Newprofile001

    The Sacred Plates of Sinnoh

    Gaz looked at the picture in his wallet. A young girl, the type that's a natural blonde/brunette, pale skin, and static. Static? Gaz pulled out his taser and went into an alley. He test-fired it. A garbage bin was hit by 50000 volts and a quarter of an ampere of electricity. The amperage was...
  15. Newprofile001

    Newprofile001's Art

    A photograph I took while I was on that cruise in December 07-January '08. Enjoy.
  16. Newprofile001

    The Sacred Plates of Sinnoh

    OOC NOTEPAD Unfortunately, due to constraints in compy time, I might not be able to reply on a regular basis, so, if he is needed, Brendan has permission to control Gaz until further notice. For information on his appearance, you can find him in the latest post in my art thread. --- Also, this...
  17. Newprofile001

    Aura's Scribbles and Artwork

    Hey, it's better than what I can do. =3
  18. Newprofile001

    Virgil's MS Paintings and iScribbles

    Any more problems with a variable, a 90-degree triangle, and a PokeMon? The Lucario you drew inspired me to ask. *Points to teh Lucario and the typo
  19. Newprofile001

    Ask the Staff

    The site was down for maintenance. That's why.