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  1. S

    What is your craziest dream?

    This wasn't a dream but it was still pretty funny. Apparently I woke up last night asking "What?!" and when my husband asked what was wrong, I told him "I could have sworn the bed was covered in dog food... I need a drink of water now" and walked out of the room.
  2. S

    DPPt/HGSS Weekly/Monthly Pokecharms WFC Organized Play: Need input

    This sounds like a fantastic idea. I would most definitely join in! I'll have to relearn how to use IRC stuff (and by re-learn, it's more like learn in the first place). Although I'd love to help organize this, my schedule is so varied and inconsistent that I'd be making a promise I couldn't...
  3. S

    Weird things about Pokemon

    They're ninjas, they don't need things like air or food or sunlight. They just wait for battle, forever. Why is it that TMs, which can only be taught once, are the ones your Pokemon can forget, while HMs, which can be taught multiple times, need special ways to remove them?
  4. S

    Halloween costumes 2009 :)

    Halloween is my favourite day our of the entire year
  5. S

    Weird things about Pokemon

    Oh I'm sorry, you wanted me to play a game and accept every oddity at face value while asking absolutely no questions? Anyways, I find it weird that some Pokemon seem to be okay to eat, or something, while others aren't. Like, Ash thought about eating Magikarp, Cherubi's nub thing is supposedly...
  6. S

    My own slice of Topic

    Okay, that's much better looking. Thanks a ton for pointing that out to me :P
  7. S

    My own slice of Topic

    *facepalm* Oh shoot, I totally didn't alter the rest of the outline >.< I'll go fix it real quick, sorry!
  8. S

    Sentence Switch Game

    We want liars to believe love.
  9. S

    My own slice of Topic

    Alright, I finally managed to produce a mugshot I'm happy with. Sorry it's not the most stunning thing, but I really did try. It was a bit difficult with all the browns, too. They tended to meld together. Anyways, hope it's to your liking :3
  10. S

    ~Sprites de naanny~

    I agree, the mermaid's tails are beautiful. If you were to move the boobs over to the right just a smidge, it would help them follow the rest of the body better, 'cuz yeah, they do look a little out of place right now.
  11. S

    whats a good place to get ur def and psy def EV up?

    Psypokes has a good list of where to go for EVs. http://www.psypokes.com/lab/evtraining.php?id=diamondpearl I second (or third?) the fact that training your Infernape for Defense/Sp. Defense is fruitless. The best defense is a good offense, I believe that accurately describes the situation here.
  12. S

    WoRST FeAR? zOMG!!!

    Boogie Man is closest to what I fear. I'm not afraid of being in the dark - I love night time. The problem is that my imagination runs rampant and wild, and makes me see horrible images lurking within the dark and around corners, to the point that I swear I saw someone there. I also fear being...
  13. S

    You know you've watched too much pokemon when...

    This one happened to me today. You know you've watched/played too much Pokemon when you see a fire hydrant that isn't red and think "Oh, a shiny."
  14. S

    Toy Story. In 3D

    Wow, it jumps that far ahead? I'm surprised they're going for something so new with the movies. Sounds like it won't end up being a rehash of the previous ones if they're making that much of an adjustment.
  15. S

    Toy Story. In 3D

    I loved seeing Toy Story 1 & 2! I used to not like the movies, but now that I'm older I get a lot more of the jokes (I was a very oblivious child, I guess). Plus, it was fun watching my husband get so excited over them; they were his favourite movies as a kid :3 Two things kind of ruined it...
  16. S

    Sentence Switch Game

    I force squirrels to kick ME!
  17. S

    New Nintendo DS to be announced next year? Generation V to follow with it?

    Backwards compatibility then? Thank goodness. I wonder what Generation V is going to be like? And if I'll be able to convince my husband to let me get a new handheld, when my DS is still working like new. *shrugs* Thanks for the news.
  18. S

    What Pokemon game was your 1st?

    Mine was Red version. I was absolutely horrible at that game, and had no idea how to play properly. I only got as far as beating Misty, and then both my game and my Gameboy Pocket were stolen :( Strangely, even after that not-so-good sounding experience, I still wanted to play Pokemon.
  19. S

    Columbus Day: Do you observe it?

    Every once in a while I remember it exists.... I'm actually not sure if we recognize it here in MI. We don't nowadays, but I have a vague memory of getting that day off as a child.
  20. S

    Should there be a new type?

    I wouldn't mind a Light type of some kind. It would be nice to balance out the Dark type with, visually speaking at least. I've also been more and more interested in Normal type Pokemon who don't evolve getting a Normal type evolution that's a little something more. So maybe Pokemon like Spinda...