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Search results

  1. D

    Most annoying Pokemon

    I cant stand salamence for some reason lol. It gets sooo annoying on wifi and in-game it never wants to faint already.
  2. D

    What is best game

    I voted for Pokemon Fire Red becuase that game was loads of fun.
  3. D

    Your biggest mistake you've ever done in any Pokémon game?

    My biggest mistake was in pokemon coloseeum for the gamecube. I made it all the way to the end of the game in like 7 hours of playing, but i was little so i didnt know you had to save the game and i lost all my memory ;-;
  4. D

    Crush a wish!

    Granted, but then your thumb starts to hurt. I wish i had a hat.
  5. D

    Your First Pokemon

    My first pokemon was charmander in pokemon blue lol. It was named Epic and never lost.
  6. D

    Crush a wish!

    Granted, but then you become the first geni alive and the government starts chasing you every where you go. I wish for a faster laptop.
  7. D

    Crush a wish!

    Granted ? I wish for some new roller blades.
  8. D

    three word game

    which is filled
  9. D

    word association game

  10. D

    Crush a wish!

    Granted, but then you give yourself a migrain. I wish for some ice cream.
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    word association game

  12. D

    word association game

  13. D

    Crush a wish!

    Granted, but then it turns into a block of ice that will never melt. I wish for a giant can of arizona ice tea.
  14. D

    Favorite Smash Bros Fighter(s)

    I seem to use yoshi over and over again, so i guess hes my favorite lol.
  15. D

    Feelings on Guitar Hero

    Well, personally i love guitar hero. It was the reason why i got into music in the first place. I tryed to play real guitar but then i fell in love wth the drums and the turn tables and ive been playing ever since. I still play guitar hero every now and then but not as much as i used to. But i...
  16. D

    Hardest Video Game(s)

    Frogers Adventures for the gamecube was suprisingly challenging lol, it took me about 4 months just to get by level 14 and then level 15 was even harder @_@.
  17. D

    word association game

  18. D

    A Pokemon Nickname Game

    Phone. Jordan caught a Relicanth! Would you like to give it a nickname?
  19. D

    three word game

    to the tree
  20. D

    Pokemon Game - The Pokemon ABC's
