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Search results

  1. Jariii

    The World's Longest Thread

    Yay umbrella!
  2. Jariii

    The World's Longest Thread

    I WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY FRICKIN WELL DESERVED ( exept for my archrival Monkey) WINTER BREAK!!!
  3. Jariii

    The World's Longest Thread

    Hmm ill have one dark soul ,a light soul and 3 green souls for invincibility, how much will that be?
  4. Jariii

    The World's Longest Thread

    Is no fairs Monkey when I goes to sleeps your day just starts so me have low chances of winning but as we say In Dutch "De aanhouder wint" (it's persistence that accomplishes something) haha I knowz allot of good wordz! #Psycho`s biggest rival
  5. Jariii

    The World's Longest Thread

    grrrz but I stil wins because my arch rival ( le Monkey) liked my post HA!!!!! le winner is me ill never ever give up! *prays too (enter god of own religion here) that le Monkey likes this post*
  6. Jariii

    The Person Below Me

    I wish I could do that but sad to say false. The person below me is at least a half an hour on the chat every day.
  7. Jariii

    The Person Below Me

    I own 3 cars already and very busy with my license The person below me has come to the Netherlands at least once.
  8. Jariii

    The World's Longest Thread

    No Zekrom, Monkey is the enemy ( you can spell enemy using all letters in monkey`s name) so that shows his true nature : >:D also if anyone has allot of time on their hands see who has more posts me or monkey :P
  9. Jariii

    The Person Below Me

    I don't know if I have I all consider them A-Inkay :D The person below me has a shiny legendary.
  10. Jariii

    The World's Longest Thread

    ....ah Frickelbits yah found me out how did you see through my devious planz? I can has 1006 as that is the polar opposite of your 9001 we shall see who has the last laugh!!! AH HA HAI!
  11. Jariii

    The World's Longest Thread

    AHAHAH I win I got post number 206! mwhuhahah all know that this number is the ultimate winner of all the champion of justice the ultra super sweet number 206!!
  12. Jariii

    The World's Longest Thread

    Everybody? so then all that charity work is for nothing?! quickly all we gotta move Santa to the South-Pole!!
  13. Jariii

    The World's Longest Thread

    ah so the elves are the wiz kids and Santa is doing the delivery's because he has nothing else to do?
  14. Jariii

    The World's Longest Thread

    but I buy all my Christmas present from him using the interwebs..... who am I paying then?!
  15. Jariii

    The World's Longest Thread

    a thank you letter?? what's a letter? I only know of e-mails :P
  16. Jariii

    The World's Longest Thread

    I wonder what I am...... maybe ill go ask a delibird ok its settled of to a faraway mountain without any food and hoping that bird will save me...
  17. Jariii

    CoroCoro Reveals 17th Movie Title

    Looks very interesting for sure :D
  18. Jariii

    The World's Longest Thread

    Ah...the busy life a rare period of time in somebody`s life....
  19. Jariii

    The Person Below Me

    mmmmm nope I love them both equally much! The person below me is a speed runner.
  20. Jariii

    The Person Below Me

    Hmmm yup especially if mom makes em. The person below me is younger than 18.