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Search results

  1. Ninjask58

    Your Favourite Gen V Pokemon

    My favorite is definitely by far my favorite forever, is Rankurusu. In fact the only reason i am getting white is not because i am racist but because it is exclusive to white. For some reson, the minute i saw it i wanted it. badly. before my favorite was Emonga, but i learned that i should stick...
  2. Ninjask58

    New Remakes?

    there is an obvious pattern, but the real question is, will it be beofre the third version? in gen 3 the made Ruby/Sapphire then Fire Red/Leaf Green then they made Emerald. in gen 4 they made Diamond/Pearl, then Platinum, then HeartGold/SoulSilver. So my question is will the remake be before...
  3. Ninjask58

    Black or White?

    I'm getting white because of Rankurusu, but whatever the third version is, i will definitley get that too.
  4. Ninjask58

    Empoleon Advice

    oh, ok, iget it, sorry if i pissed you off :)
  5. Ninjask58

    Empoleon Advice

    oh, ok i guess i will switch drill peck for waterfall, and the EV's are fine?
  6. Ninjask58

    Empoleon Advice

    I just got a piplup and been planning on training it like this: Empoleon @ Wave Incense Nature Serious Ability Torrent EVs 252 HP / 252 Sp. Def / 4 Sp. Atk - Surf - Hydro Canon - Drill Peck - Hydro Pump So if you have any advice on if i should change the moveset or ev's or anything, thanks...
  7. Ninjask58

    Your most epic battles

    My ost epic battle was with my brother. I had a breloom, ninjask and a bronzong, he had an umbreon, vaporeon and blissey. My breloom took out his blissey with one sky uppercut, but umbreon was hard to beat, too, but we finally knocked it out after a while. after ninjask and bronzong were done...
  8. Ninjask58

    Who was the hardest gym leader for you to beat?

    Jasmine from johto. my strongest poke was a pidgeot and i had no fire types. i had to borrow a fire type from a friend so i could finally beat it.