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Search results

  1. TrainerConnor

    what is your favorite Pokemon game battle music?

    i love the elite 4 battle music on bw i like cynthias theme for gen 4 and 5 kanto's trainer battle and gym leader i always dance to the keyboard solo they added to the kanto trainers battle
  2. TrainerConnor

    Your Favourite Gen V Pokemon

    my favorite is Kumashun Just Adorable
  3. TrainerConnor

    Who was the hardest gym leader for you to beat?

    my hadest gym leaders hmm R\S\E it was wattson cause i had a grovyle and it was lvl 27 {it got that high from battling him 30 times} and i still didnt beat him HG: Not Really Anyone Ss:Pryce cause my pokemon are underleved and i still cant beat him Fr\Lg: No one D\P\Pl: diamond: fantina Candice...